Headmaster Othim Valos

Headmaster Othim Valos

The overseer of Dragonlance Adventuring Academy. He answers directly to The Founders (the five dragons that established the school).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very tall and a bit slender. Healthy composition, although his skin is a bit on the cool side (which causes some to think of him as appearing clammy). Has a medium-length, triangular goatee and a long nose. Many distinctly remember his silky, silver hair.

Facial Features

Wears round glasses. Long nose. Medium-length, silver goatee/mustache. Usually wears hair in a ponytail with two small braids dangling on the sides of his face.

Identifying Characteristics

Known for his round glasses, silver hair, tall and slender build.

Physical quirks

Can almost always be found with a smile on his face when interacting with students. His eyes normally gleam with joy or amusement. Built like a lean string bean

Special abilities

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears finely cut, but not extravagant clothes. Prefers more neutral / duller colors (like navy blue). On some days, he wears bright, eccentric outfits to amuse the students and himself. Normally found carrying a Mug of Boundless Coffee .

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Present: He is rarely ever mad. Rumors circulate among students about unfortunate souls who incurred his rage and their punishments.

Gender Identity

Male, but he's down to clown with some drag.


Very pansexual


Self-educated. Has traded knowledge with countless sources.


Employed as the Headmaster of Dragonlance Adventuring Academy. Has been a headmaster at the school for forty years.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely bright--loves academic pursuits.

Morality & Philosophy

It is my duty as a member of the elder species to protect and guide other peoples--the best way to do that is by sharing my vast stores of knowledge

Personality Characteristics


Protect the students of Dragonlance at all costs.

Personality Quirks

Often forgets names not long after hearing them and has developed the habit of handing out nicknames.


Religious Views

Does not talk about religion; most assume he's just apathetic about it.

Social Aptitude

Friendly and a bit eccentric. Likes pranks and finds minor inconveniences amusing. Many are surprised to find themselves charmed by him considering his quirkiness. It is not uncommon to find first years of all genders blushing in his presence. Widely liked by almost all students and staff at Dragonlance Adventuring Academy .

A studious, friendly headmaster who oversees the running of Dragonlance.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
unknown -- some speculate he is more than 200 years old
Current Residence
Headmaster's quarters in Dragonlance Adventuring Academy
Light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cool pale
160 lb.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Dwarvish, Celestial, Gnomish
Character Prototype
Skinty Dumbledore (first movie, not the imposter) meets KP (my old English teacher)

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