
Having established stable foundations for the new civilizations, sciences and magic research became the main focus of the pathfinding effort in the Kingdom of Yoshi. One especially talented researcher in both subjects was Nasuha "Explorer of the Skies". While experimenting with ores and levitation spells, he found out that cinchstones were capable of lifting themselves as well as a siginificant amount of additional weight when fed a constant stream of energy. While the stones themselves would slowly melt in the progress, this was a gigantic step towards fullfilling his dream of creating a machine that was capable of traveling long distances in the air, thus enabling him to explore. Feverish research and many restless months of engineering later, on the verge of collapsing, he succeeded. The "Sogno" was born, a small vessel capable of carrying him, a small crew of fellow researchers and some supplies. This was it, all of the funding relied on him being able to demonstrate that this was not just the dream of a scientist with his head in the clouds but a valuable and needed technological advancement. Standing at the northernmost cliff of the island, many onlookers gathered to watch the maiden flight. Hoisting the sails, the ship began to slide. Inching forward before eventually leaving the ground beneath it behind to glide freely across the air, turning, ascending and descending at the crews will. The crowd errupted in cheering as this marked the beginning of a new age. No longer were they bound by the edges of their island. For his achievement, Nasuha was given the title "Explorer of the skies" and began his effort to fly across the world, to teach his knowledge to other civilizations he met. This enabled him to effectively reconnect the world that was split apart by the Ascent.


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