Leaning Belltower

As the pride of the city, the belltower stood taller than everything else. The clergy ringing the bells to signal the start and end of prayers, Additionally, paintings of the gods, the religious symbol and prophets refined the sides. During the Ascent many buildings collapsed, dragging any unlucky soul within them into the afterlife. Amongst the few that stood tall, braving the earths trembles. The Belltower of Grikla was one of these buildings. While it started to fall during the event, a nearby roof caught the leaning structure. This created an angled, hollow ramp.   During the rebuilding effort, the structure was hollowed out to salvage anything that could still be useable inside and stabilized. While being used as a monument of hope, that the inhabitants of Grilka will stand and are capable of enduring anything that stands against them, a magical invention gave it an entirely new purpose. Given some changes,it is now one of the core research facilites of the The Breach Golem Unit, the elite unit of the mages kingdom.   Every painting was removed and replaced with the mages kingdom banner, the roof was taken off, it was given a base that can turn, as well as support pillars to ensure structural integrity effectively turning it into a giant artillery piece. Using this Belltower gave the scholars and mages the opportunity to test a variety of shell variations, sizes and materials, since it could support almost any type of armament due to its sheer size.   The shells are fired into in an arch, landing in the ocean below before they are jerked back on metal chains. It is rumored that in times or war, it can also be loaded with giant live shells to bombard any warship that approaches this island that had effectively turned into a military research facility.


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