
During the Ascent, Pearling was one of the few areas that were uplifted with a giant lake in the center. This created what is essentially a ring of land surrounding a sizeable body of fresh water. As such, it was one of the regions who had an easier time dealing with their new situation. Drinking water was easily accessible without having to use magic, and freshwater fish provided nourishment for the polulation.   Finding this island is quite an easy task as it is as well guarded as it is unmissable when traveling on an airship, it's sheer natural size demanding attention especially when combined with the defensive structures created on the edges.   Originally named Enspool, Pearling is now one of the most protected and richest cities in the world. This is due to it proving to be the ideal settlement for the trade nation of Nella to base their Relo-Oyster production in. Appearing more like a flying fortress than a natural island, travelers now have to go through massive security gates, equipped with armaments capable of breaking warships in order to enter the harbor and anchor. Once inside, every detail of ones identity would be recorded as to ensure that none of those who pass through can steal any of the valuable magic items without dire consequences.   In the heart of this settlement is the great vault, containing thousands of Relo-Oyster pearls. Not everything is known about the inner workings of this vault, but rumors tell of countless raw pearls and an additional section containing pearls imbued with high level magic such as wish. Aside from buying many magical items on this island, it's main source of income is the export of Relo-Oyster pearls, either raw or imbued with spells. Very rarely, there might even be a live oyster for sale.


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