A Gorgon With Too Much On Her Mind: Juno Character in Ekus Lua | World Anvil
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A Gorgon With Too Much On Her Mind: Juno

Juno Dao

Juno is from the country Tu’Rancon in the Aspar region. She was forced to attend Aspar Hill Boarding School because her mothers wanted her to focus on her studies without any distractions.

Distractions can't be avoided when you're forcibly granted Medusa's Blessing.
In only a span of a week, Juno's life turned completely upside down. She discovered that her sister was truly missing, found out the truth about her roommate and had to fight against the evil plot of Immortals.   But this is just the beginning of a bigger plot to unfold.   She is given a prophecy by the Oracle.  
"Strong hands will guide you, A gentle smile will greet your sorrows, Her eyes will pierce your soul, Head East, The truth you don't want to hear will make itself heard, It always does."
  Someone doesn’t want Juno to live peacefully. Someone wants to control Medusa’s Blessing.   Who?   That's the question she’s running from.   Juno is suffering the pain of losing her sister and dear friend but she must continue to fight. She knows her sister can be found (Juno will find her) and that she will meet Eve again (Juno trusts her).   At least, she's not alone. With 12 Immortal Snakes on her head and companions she meets along the way, she will move forward.

Physical Description

Special abilities

User of Medusa's Blessing (12 Immortal Snakes can manifest on her head.)
Enhanced Speed, Strength, and Agility.
Able to self-heal.

Mental characteristics




Attended Aspar Hill Boarding School

Personality Characteristics


Juno wants to find her missing sister and figure out who is targeting her and the Immortal Snakes so she can go back to a life of normalcy. Or somewhat normal. She also wants to repay her friends who have saved her countless times.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: sea creatures, social media, her friends, ice cream, girls
Dislikes: making people angry, feeling left out, vegetables, cold weather
Year of Birth
12023 D.E 17 Years old
long, green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Dream or not, I'm sorry but I don't need you! Thank you but no thank you! So would you please kindly leave my head!!!"

"You can count on me too. I'm not always the best when it comes to helping but I'll do anything for a friend."

"I'm speaking to the snake in my head, not you."

"You, you, when I get through, I'm, I'm going to rip your face right off!"

"I've accepted them. I can't turn back, I can only go forward."
Known Languages
Common, Some Gorgonic

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Character Portrait image: by yancy/yancadoodles


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