Greatest Wizard of Our time: Master Ipruk Character in Ekus Lua | World Anvil
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Greatest Wizard of Our time: Master Ipruk

Cecilia Ipruk

Cecilia Ipruk is famous in the magic industry and is praised as being one of the greatest wizards of all time. She is able to use all forms of magic, has pioneered new techniques over the century and has spread her teachings all across the continent. But, about 30 years ago she settled in the city of Regis where she now runs her own business. Cecilia is known for being very kind, eccentric and being able to get any task done. Currently, she is Sophia's teacher and mentor but is out on a “secret” mission. She decided to not take along her pupil and instead give her some time off. Little does she know that, Sophia has done the exact opposite, by taking up her own mission.

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Character Portrait image: by yancadoodles


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