The Most Fashionable Fairy: Sophia Character in Ekus Lua | World Anvil
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The Most Fashionable Fairy: Sophia

Sophia Fauve

Most of Sophia’s life was spent in her hometown where she was homeschooled and then worked at her family’s merchant shop. But one day her mother sent her to the capital city of Tu’Rancon, Regis, to finish her studies and training in light magic. There she officially became the apprentice of Master Ipruk, one of the most famous wizards in all of the continent. At first it seemed like her job didn’t change much except for the fact that she was now selling books, potions, other magical trinkets and… weapons. Oh and of course the shop also takes up personal cases dealing with magic and such. The master and apprentice duo have taken up many cases over the 20 years they've worked together. And yet… Sophia still feels unsatisfied. She still has a long way to go in order to accomplish her dream.

One night, the city of Regis was overrun with Shadow Beasts, cursed soulless creatures that feed on the souls of people, so Sophia did her best to fight against them to keep everyone safe. This is where she meets a mysterious traveler, Mani, that helps her defeat the Shadow Beasts. It was revealed that the traveler was looking for Sophia’s mentor, Ms. Ipruk but she was out of the city at the moment. Mani was very impressed with Sophia’s combat and healing abilities and asks her instead, to guide them to the Missing Shrine of Thea. Sophia is doubtful of them at first but after generously being paid up front she takes up the job.
After all this could be the opportunity she was hoping for.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sophia is average height and has petite build. She has large fairy wings that can be summoned when she wishes to use them. Also, she notably has three eyes.

Special abilities

Proficient in Light Magic
Can use some Elemental Magic

Specialized Equipment

healing staffs
her enchanted purse

Mental characteristics






Worked for her family's merchant shop
Apprenticeship under Master Ipruk

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has won numerous beauty pageants
Has won some local fashion designer contests

Personality Characteristics


She wants to earn enough money to go to Gae Caste, one of the most prestigious universities in all of Astrea, and begin her journey as a "real, official" fashion designer.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: fashion, attention, musicals, making a profit
Dislikes: messes, loud noises, most food, the outdoors

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Character Portrait image: by yancadoodles


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