Order of the Sleepless Organization in El - Rah | World Anvil

Order of the Sleepless

In the ancient annals of history lies a mysterious society known as the Order of the Sleepless. This secretive group was the first to unravel the mysteries of lucid dreaming, mastering the art of controlling their dreams. But with this power came discord, splitting the Order into two factions: those who used their knowledge for the greater good and those who pursued personal gain.   As time passed, the Order's internal conflicts overshadowed its noble intentions. What was once a beacon of enlightenment became a source of chaos and harm to society. Today, the legacy of the Order is tarnished, with its members consumed by greed and ambition.   Despite this darkness, there remains a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, within the realm of dreams, lies the key to redemption for the Order. Only time will tell if they can rise from the shadows and reclaim their lost honor.  


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