
Tibutes: Small Creatures of Southern Woods

In the lush forests of Sheheron and Upper Elfdale reside the Tibutes, small animals distinguished by their dual-coloration of brown and gray. These resourceful beings have carved out distinct habitats, with brown Tibutes taking refuge in hollows and tree roots, while their gray counterparts dwell amidst rocks and caves.

Following the Sheheron Rebellion, Tibutes asserted their independence and adopted a vegetarian lifestyle, showcasing their entrepreneurial talents in the process. Their preferred beverages include decoctions of lily of the valley root, purple bell tincture, and meltwater, while berries and gray rhizomes constitute their favored fare.

Notably, some Tibutes exhibit magical prowess, using their keen sense of smell to locate portals to other dimensions. However, these curious creatures are not without their vices, with tendencies toward gambling, smoking acacia, and indulging in the simple pleasure of scratching an itch. Despite their quirks, the Tibutes remain an integral part of the forest ecosystem, their presence adding a touch of mystery and wonder to the natural world.

Note: Only Tibutes know the secret paths leading to Anticipateberry.
Source: Grand Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures vol.3


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