Alteran Species in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Alteran (awl-TEHR-an)

Ascended Human

The Alterans are a race of ethereal energy beings that predate humanity by billions of years. They are known for their translucent skin that glows with an inner light, giving them an otherworldly appearance. Their advanced knowledge and technology allowed them to transcend the limitations of physical form, becoming beings of pure energy. The Alterans left their home dimension to explore the universe, eventually settling on various planets, including Vis Uban.   The Alterans originated from a higher dimension and were once closely tied to the divine realms. As precursors to human life, they possess immense wisdom and understanding of the universe. Their decision to leave their home dimension was driven by a desire to observe and learn from the physical universe. Over time, they became revered as teachers and guides, helping to shape the civilizations they encountered.   Despite their vast power and knowledge, the Alterans value humility and wisdom. They believe in the importance of balance and harmony within the universe. This philosophy has guided their interactions with other species, fostering peace and understanding wherever they go. Their presence in the mortal realm is seen as a bridge between the physical and divine, offering insights into the mysteries of existence.

Basic Information


The Alterans' anatomy is unique, composed of a flexible, semi-solid form that can shift between a more solid state and pure energy. They have no internal organs as humans do; instead, their bodies are structured around energy flows and nodes.

Biological Traits

Alterans do not age or suffer from physical ailments. They can exist indefinitely in their energy form and can regenerate their physical bodies if needed. Their energy-based nature allows them to interact with the physical world in ways that defy conventional understanding.

Genetics and Reproduction

Alterans reproduce by sharing and combining their energy essences. This process is deeply personal and spiritual, resulting in the creation of new energy beings. Each new Alteran inherits the collective knowledge and experiences of their progenitors.

Ecology and Habitats

Alterans can adapt to various environments, but they prefer serene, energy-rich locations. Planets like Vis Uban, with abundant natural energy sources, are ideal habitats. They often create intricate, harmonious structures that blend seamlessly with the environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As energy beings, Alterans do not require physical nourishment. They sustain themselves by absorbing ambient energy from their surroundings or through meditative practices that enhance their energy levels.

Biological Cycle

Alterans do not have a biological life cycle like humans. They exist in a state of perpetual renewal, their energy continuously replenished. They can enter a state of deep meditation to regenerate and revitalize their essence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Alteran society is highly egalitarian, with a focus on collective well-being and knowledge sharing. They have no formal hierarchy but are guided by elder beings who possess vast wisdom and experience.

Facial characteristics

Alterans have delicate, symmetrical facial features that exude calm and wisdom. Their eyes are particularly striking, often appearing as glowing orbs that can change color.

Average Intelligence

Alterans possess extraordinary intelligence, with a deep understanding of the universe's fundamental principles. Their knowledge spans advanced technology, metaphysical concepts, and interspecies relations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their perception extends beyond the physical senses, allowing them to perceive energy fields, emotions, and even the flow of time. This heightened awareness makes them adept at understanding and interacting with other species.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Gender is a fluid concept among the Alterans, with individuals embodying traits that transcend traditional gender roles. They value balance and harmony in all aspects of their existence.

Relationship Ideals

Alterans form deep, meaningful connections based on mutual respect and shared understanding. Their relationships are often spiritual unions that transcend physical boundaries, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and energy.

Common Myths and Legends

Many civilizations regard the Alterans as deities or celestial beings. Legends often depict them as wise sages who bring light and knowledge to dark and troubled times. Stories of their miraculous interventions and teachings are common across various cultures.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Alterans are highly respected by other species, often seen as benevolent and wise protectors. Their interactions are marked by a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
The Alterans originated from a higher dimension, often associated with the divine realms. They are considered the precursors to humanity and other intelligent life forms in the universe. Their ancestral home is a place of pure energy and light, from which
Average Height
Alterans typically stand between 5 to 6 feet tall in their humanoid form.
Average Weight
As beings of energy, their weight is negligible in their true form. When in a more solid state, they weigh around 150 to 200 pounds.
Average Physique
Alterans have an ethereal, slender physique with a radiant, translucent appearance. Their bodies emit a soft, glowing light, which can vary in intensity based on their emotional state or energy levels.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is translucent and infused with vibrant, blue, vein-like patterns that glow softly, illuminating their form with an inner light. This glow can change intensity and hue based on their energy levels and emotions.

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