Meascán (M'ask-awn)


Meascáns are a hybrid species, born from the union of a human and a supernatural entity, often a demon or a spirit. This lineage gives them traits and abilities that are beyond human, including enhanced strength, agility, and sometimes magical capabilities.Meascáns often struggle with their dual nature, caught between the human world and the supernatural realms. They are frequently the subjects of myths and tales, depicted with a range of moral alignments, from malevolent beings to misunderstood heroes. Despite their powers,Meascáns seek acceptance and a place in society, which leads them on diverse paths — some choose isolation, others seek to blend in, and a few embrace their uniqueness to forge their destinies.

Basic Information


Humanoid but with potential anomalies like horns, tails, or unusual eye colors that hint at their supernatural heritage.

Biological Traits

Possess a natural resilience and recovery rate much higher than humans; often have unique abilities like manipulating energies or enhanced senses.

Genetics and Reproduction

Typically reproduce with humans, but their offspring can vary significantly in appearance and ability, depending on the strength of the supernatural traits passed down.

Ecology and Habitats

Can adapt to various environments, but many prefer remote or secluded areas where they can maintain privacy or control over their surroundings.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, with no specific requirements, but some may develop unique dietary needs based on their supernatural lineage.

Biological Cycle

Lifespan can vary; some live as long as humans, while others may live several centuries.


Their behavior is as varied as their origins, ranging from solitary and secretive to outgoing and charismatic, depending on their personal reconciliations with their dual nature.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Largely individualistic; Meascáns rarely form communities, though they may occasionally find kinship or form alliances based on shared experiences or goals.

Facial characteristics

Striking and often intimidating features, with sharp eyes and sometimes otherworldly aspects.

Average Intelligence

High, often coupled with a cunning or strategic mindset influenced by their heritage.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced sensory capabilities, which may include seeing in low light or sensing supernatural phenomena.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Varied, largely dependent on the individual's personal experiences and the cultural influences of their human lineage.

Relationship Ideals

Tend towards complex and intense relationships, often marked by a struggle for balance between their human emotions and supernatural impulses.


Fully sapient, with a deep self-awareness and often a profound existential contemplation of their place in the world.

Common Myths and Legends

Frequently featured in folklore as creatures of seduction and power, with many stories highlighting their struggle between good and evil.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Often viewed with suspicion or fear by purely human communities; their relationships with other supernatural beings can be equally complex.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Born of a human and a demonic entity; their ancestry includes influences from various cultures due to the widespread myths of demonic interactions across the globe.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Generally muscular and robust, with an imposing presence.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones can range widely, often with unusual shades such as deep reds, earthy tones, or unnatural pallor. They may have markings or tattoos that signify their heritage.

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