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Mortal Realm People

Random people from the Mortal Realm

In the heart of our stories and journal entries lies a tapestry woven with threads of history and imagination. Our narratives bring to life an array of historical figures, along with an array of other equally as important characters thru time, just less "real". (See Historical Figures)   As you journey through our stories, you may encounter personalities you may not recognize. Each character, meticulously researched for era and character, serves as a portal to the past, offering a glimpse into the complexities and nuances of their era. A symbol of the people and the times.   While we strive for historical accuracy, our primary allegiance is to the art of storytelling. In crafting these narratives, we have taken creative liberties to enhance the story's flow and align with the fictional elements of our journal entries. This approach allows us to delve into the 'what ifs' of history, exploring alternative scenarios and perspectives that might have been. These pages (below) will strive to provide some small detail on the person, in an effort to help bring them to life.   We invite you to immerse yourself in this blend of history and fiction, where the past is not just recounted but reimagined. As you traverse through the lives and times of these figures, we hope to ignite your imagination and offer a unique perspective on the world's rich and varied history.

Articles under Mortal Realm People

Alaric Bauer Leclerc
Generic NPC | Mar 24, 2024

A Military Assistant

Aleksander Kowalski
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Polish Citizen

Alessandro Rosso
Character | Jul 6, 2024

An Italian Artist

Alex Parker
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Developer

Anders Fosse
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Norwegian Farmer

André Lefèvre
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Member of the French Resistance

Angel Martinez
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Dancer

Anna Müller
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Swiss Chalet Employee

Archbishop Patrick Joseph Byrne
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Catholic Archbishop

Daiki Yamamoto
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Japanese Masseuse

Dr. Ava Kapoor
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Researcher

Dylan Harper
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Musician

Edward Clarke
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An English Businessman

Elena Rossi
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Swiss Chalet Manager

Elena Vasquez
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Spanish Historian

Emilio Bianchi
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Italian Artist

Emily Barton
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An English Journalist

Emily Chen
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Developer

Emily Johnson
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Traveler

Étienne Girard
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A French Artist

Étienne Lefebvre
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A French Artist

Eva Müller
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Member of the French Resistance

Franz Baumgartner
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A German Poet

Giulio Verdi
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Italian Artist

Henri Beaumont
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A French Cook

Henri Lefevre
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A French Actor

Henri Rousseau
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Member of the French Resistance

Hiroshi Sato
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Japanese Businessman

Imam Suleiman al-Farsi
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

An Islamic Imam

Jack Turner
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An English Sailor

James O'Connor
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Irish Soldier

Johann Weber
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A German Preacher

Jordan Smith
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Blogger

Klaus Weber
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A German Officer

Lena "Auntie" Brightsky
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Indigenous American woman

Luca Moretti
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

An Italian Chef

Lucas Schmidt
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A German Refugee

Lucien Dubois
Character | Mar 24, 2024

A French Revolutionary

Lucien Moreau
Character | Mar 24, 2024

A French Poet

Luna Rodríguez
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Activist

Marcus Lee
Character | Mar 23, 2024

An American Hacker

Margaret Thistlewood
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Enghlish Flower Seller

Marie Dupont
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Member of the French Resistance

Markus Weber
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Swiss Chalet Employee

Matteo Bellandi
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Italian Artist

Michael Thompson
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Military Veteran

Owen Hughes
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An English Miner

Pierre Dubois
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A French Gentleman

Rabbi Eliyahu Menachem Steinberg
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Jewish Rabbi

Robert Stephenson
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An English Engineer

Running Wolf
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Indigenous American Tour Guide

Sarah Johnson
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Astronaut

Skye Johnson
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An American Hippie

Sofia Bellini
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An Italian Patron

Sophie Becker
Character | Apr 15, 2024

A Member of the French Resistance

Sophie Dubois
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Swiss Chalet Employee

Thomas Adler
Character | Apr 15, 2024

An English Factory Worker

Thomas Klein
Generic NPC | Mar 23, 2024

A Swiss Chalet Employee

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