Réalteolaí (RAYL-toh-lee)


The Réalteolaí are the seers of the celestial sphere, interpreters of the cosmic dance played out across the night sky. Their gaze pierces the veil of darkness, discerning the patterns and secrets written in the fabric of the stars. They chart the courses of heavenly bodies, finding stories and omens in the silver trails they weave. The Réalteolaí's wisdom is as boundless as the sky they study, and their insights are sought by those wishing to align their fates with the rhythm of the universe. In every constellation, they see the threads of destiny; in every planet's march, a sign for those who dare to dream beyond the horizon.
Alternative Names
Astrophysicist, Celestial Observer, Stargazer, Horoscopist, Astronomer
Research / Scientific

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