1652 July 30 - Rome, Italy


Today fortune granted me the serendipity of crossing paths with Gian Lorenzo Bernini. His fame as a sculptor had reached my ears long before I set foot in Rome, the city that breathes art in every corner.

In his studio, surrounded by marbles that seemed to pulse with life, Bernini shared his visions and techniques. As we spoke, he deftly sketched out ideas, his hands as eloquent as his words. The discussion led to a remarkable proposition: two commissioned statues, one reflecting my journey, the other embodying my aspirations.

We explored the city together, Bernini pointing out nuances in sculptures and architecture, his insights illuminating the eternal city in a new light. The Trevi Fountain, a marvel of stone and water, was particularly striking, embodying the blend of art and nature that Bernini mastered so well.

As evening fell, we dined near the Pantheon, discussing the intersection of art and philosophy. Rome's twilight added a magical hue to our conversation, the city's history serving as a backdrop to our discourse on the human condition and artistic expression.

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Rome, Italy
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