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20th Uktar

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In its inception, the supercontinent of El'Hadrin was split into three, by the destructive arrival of the Titans. The Titans were manifestations of the elemental forces of the cosmos, beings of unmatched power. Though their ultimate purpose was unclear, upon arrival these siblings took joint ownership of Eladrin, each taking a personal domain. To the two sisters, Hydorus and Fentas, went the largest domains - the seas and the skies. To their brothers Gronus and Infas, went smaller domains - the land and Eladrin's heart of magma. The siblings worked together to maintain balance and for eons there was peace. However, it was not to last - a division was slowly starting to form. Just as fire needs air to survive and wind needs heat to circulate, Infas and Fentas became reliant on one another, forming an extremely close bond. Likewise, Gronus and Hydorus had formed an equally strong bond, having worked closely to perfect the reformation of landmasses, by way of erosion. The rift between the two pairs continued to widen and calamity came upon Eladrin.   Infas had grown jealous of Hydorus and Gronus, displeased with his measly share of Eladrin in comparison to theirs. His jealousy grew to anger and Eladrin's core began to swell, as molten rock threatened to spew forth. His intention was to breach both the domains of Earth and of Water, to send a signal to his sister Fentas, who would surely help right this injustice. However, as the closest by, Gronus was the first to sense his brother's agitation. Seeking aid from Hydorus, the pair formulated a plan to silence the ambitions of their hot-tempered brother. They did so in secret, fearing the wrath of the strongest sibling - Fentas, should she discover their purpose. Just as Eladrin's core reached the zenith of its fury, Gronus split Eladrin's crust into pieces, allowing the waters of Hydorus to cascade beneath, dousing the rising flames. Infas was briefly pacified, but the formation of these tectonic plates had inadvertently given him exactly what he wanted. A cascade of steam broke through the surface and Fentas immediately sensed her brother's oppression.   In Fentas' unbridled outrage and the war that was to follow, the very fabric of the Prime Material was tested, causing ripples that would reach the very fringes of existence. Just as Eladrin was threatened with total annihilation, great portals were opened and legions of angels and devils spilled forth. They had been sent from an unkown source, charged to investigate such massive upheaval by their respective masters. As the Titans fought one another, so too did they have to defend against impossible numbers of encroaching celestials, fiends and all manner of extra-planar creatures. Even against such staggering odds, the Titans prevailed and continued to fight amongst themselves, sundering Eladrin anew. The borders between realms grew weaker still and for the first time since the beginning of time, the Divine Barrier fell. The masters of the invaders came forth and the real war began.   == TBC ==   In the wake of their various machinations and amidst the tyranny of the Titans, a final battle known as the Aeonic Cataclysm sealed the Elemental Lords' essences away for all of eternity. With the loss of the titans, the grip of the Gods upon these lands was greatly weakened and the mortal races become Eladrin's prime inhabitants.