Adran's Guild report - 0.2.2 agf
The Auroral Forest
The party arrived at the edge of the forest and quickly observed the visible difference from the dusty lifeless spanse behind them and the seemingly thriving expanse before them.
The entryway gave them little trouble depite being unable to decipher the writing, they learnt that even flowers sting and fire wont kill them. Thankfully Oswald Smith decided to pour water on them and they bloomed into harmless Lilys.
The first clearing they came across had 4 puppies quickly identified by Tiger and Atholis (the parties pair of Rangers) as dire wolf pups. As they were approached, two terrifyingly large Dire Wolves approached one golden and one silver. They spoke their names as thunderous calls the golden one was Sabre and the silver Tora. The party focused their attacks on Sabre who proved the aggressor, their weapons did little damage until they found its weakness in magic and the rear legs. Tora made its way to the pups and disappeared in a misty fog followed by a thunder clap. The forest seemingly took Sabre away against its will after Tora fled, a vine sprouting forth to force its escape in a mist similar to Tora.
The party licked their wounds and ventured forth remarking on Hunter the paladins stern offence and Dadth the dwarven fighters incredible defence despite his inexperience. They overcame minor enviromental obstacles and braved the dark pathway ahead. Hunter used his halberd to cast a powerful daylight spell but alas did not dispel the darkness. It instead attracted an incredible plague of insects but before they were overwhelmed Moss extinguished the light and Atholis cast a wind wall to ward the bugs off. After a moment the bugs settled down and the party continued, Atholis fell into a pitfall trap but mysteriously appeared at the end of the pathway up a tree. The party reconvened at the massive tree dominating its space.
Adran finally appeared and stated the final test was upon them - the caretaker Lilliana, a panther that could cast strange magic. The battle was ferocious and Oswald and Hunter were grieviously injured. After some damage Lilliana underwent a transformation growing long mane like spikes along the back of its neck, the party quickly realised that she was simply playing. Lilliana briefly showed her true power before the Lady Of The Forest Aurora appeared to settle her down. She remarked on lessons learnt and valor proved, smacking Oswald for nearly burning his friends. Each member earned their rewards, their weapons magically enhanced and small rewards bestowed on each as well as all wounds healed. A successful quest earning a tentative alliance with a powerful ancient creature. Hopefully a time will not come where she is called upon as the party left the forest, forever changed, noted how very much out of their league both she and Lilliana were. A good thing she is friendly as she may have proven a destructive threat to the Guild as a whole especially in its weakened state. Lets hope our interests do not oppose hers...