Baroness Tarja Turunen

Baroness Tarja Turunen is a widowed Half Elf Wizard and the owner of the smallish but still quite fancy Turunen manor that overlooks the southern banks of the Mokare River. She is a pale woman of about 5'10" height with flowing black hair that usually likes to wear beautiful full length red dresses. Beyond her role as an aristocraft, she was once an accomplished Conjuration Wizard that offered postage services via . Her husband, Marcello, passed away in recent months of natural causes through illness and her Estate's management had subsequently suffered and she had sought out legal assistance.


She employs a Deep Gnome Butler by the name of Timotheus, who tends to the maintenance of the Estate as well as handling guests. She also uses many Unseen Servants to assist Timotheus in his affairs. Baroness Turunen has 3 children (an elder son and two twin daughters, aged 18 and 16 respectively) who have since moved out of home to take up apprenticeships in various crafts. Her elder son is a blacksmith, her daughters are looking to become a jeweller and painter respectively. Her elder son's old bedroom has a walk in closet that forms a thin place that crosses with the Feywild, that can be accessed under particularly rare circumstances, which on rare occasions Fey creatures had used to briefly infiltrate her Manor and the Material Plane.


Baroness Turunen was fooled by a Riffler of the name of Nemo, who went under the moniker of a Gnome by the name of, 'Sir Riffles.' Taking advantage of her grief and uncertainty with her husband's death, he posed as a Solicitor that effectively cold called her home to offer to help provide legal services in restructuring the estate and its affairs. He briefly stole her identity and her literal face as a result and attempted to offer these as tributes to an Archfey, but members of the Guild were able to restore her face and identity and eliminate Nemo.

See also: Barony of Akpaholm


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