Guild report from Fort Silverspear - 0.2.23 agf
Following Reyphine Silentspirit into Fort Silverspear, with the company of the Guild in her presence Reyphine confronted her ex boyfriend Rolph Silverspear and his band of mercenaries during a romantic dinner date with Reyphine's own younger sister, Crystal Silentspirit about to engage in a romantic dinner with one another. In a fit of rage at the scene, Reyphine lashed out at her ex boyfriend with a dagger and a fight ensued.
During this fight, 3 of the Silverspear mercenaries would lie dead but Reyphine, Crystal and Rolph would all survive, the remaining Silverspears retreating and attempting to entrap the Guild within the Fort. But the guild managed to escape with Reyphine, but not without causing tremendous destruction through starting a wildfire that caused part of the Fort walls to ignite and detonate a gunpowder magazine. Reyphine expressed immediate regret at her decision to violently lash out at her adulterous ex but hastily retreated with the Guild members to the nearby village of Exidios where the survivors of the recent Galslavan Tablelands expedition are recovering.
But now that the Guild members have been seen and Reyphine has been identified, who knows what happens for them and the populace of Exidios...