Guild report from Little Hammeria - 0.3.7 agf
Upon arriving in Little Hammeria, they where briefed on the plan to capture the unknown kidnapper at large, and narrowly avoided death when they found out the hard way it was a mysterious new breed of ghouls. Upon their capture they, with a stroke of luck, broke themselves free from their holding cell, and fought their way through the hive of experimental undead, meeting abominations like a ghoulifed horse and lab experiment ghoul ogres. Whilst taking their time to ensure they thoroughly cleaned the dungeon from any of the undead scourge, they discovered that a magical mutagen is at fault for allowing the "gene sire" (leader and creator of the new ghouls) to experiment with the flesh he captures from the shipments of unsuspecting fools, coming right to his doorstep. The guild destroyed his work station, and on their departure, they come face to face with the "gene sire" himself, and put a stop to him and his experiments once and for all.
Heading home, they collected their payment, and enjoyed a complementary pie from the townsfolk to compensate for a job well done!