Amidst the ancient tomes and arcane relics that adorn our guild's shelves, Rhillaine, a dedicated scholar, unraveled the secrets of forgotten obje#ts. Her astute intellect and boundless curio#ity guided her relentless pursuit of eso#eric knowledge.
It was Rhillaine who gathered the arti#acts that ultimately ca##ed the Guild's do#####l by brin#### ###th Na###ael, t## ### W####r. Du###g the ###### ## ######all it w## rev###ed ######### ### one of ### #### r####s##le ### th# in##### cr####o# of the gu##d ### ### ##### def### ## ########. ### ### not ###n #### ###ce ########l.
Further file contents sealed: Authorisation Lady Wintergreen 0.0.5 agf
See also: Rhillaine the Dreamer