Academy of Chivalry

Warlords that choose the Academy of Chivalry often hail from the ranks of nobility and are almost always formal knights. As leaders, they hold themselves and those who follow them to a lofty code of conduct. These knights stand as beacons of fair play, honor, and justice, both on and off the field of battle.  

Anointed Knight

3rd-level Warlord (Academy of Chivalry) Feature

You have been trained in the classical skills of knighthood. You gain proficiency with all martial weapons, one musical instrument, and in either History, Performance, or Religion.  

Chivalric Exploits

3rd-level Warlord (Academy of Chivalry) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Warlord levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Warlord LevelExploit
3rdattack order, commanding presence
5thhold the line, rejuvenating order
9thdaring rescue

Inspiring Presence

3rd-level Warlord (Academy of Chivalry) Feature

Your presence on the field of battle inspires those who fight beside you. When you roll initiative for the first time in a combat you can expend one use of Inspiring Word to grant a number of creatures equal to your Leadership modifier (minimum of 1) that can see or hear you within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to a roll of your Exploit Die + your Leadership modifier.  

Lead the Charge

6th-level Warlord (Academy of Chivalry) Feature

You lead best from the front lines. When you take the Attack action on your turn and make at least one melee attack, you can issue an attack order as a bonus action on that turn.  

Flames of Hope

14th-level Warlord (Academy of Chivalry) Feature

As an action, you can let forth a cry that inflames the hearts of allies and inspires terror in your foes. Creatures that can hear you within 30 feet gain one of the following effects:  
  • Creatures of your choice gain temporary hit points equal to one roll of your Exploit Die + your Leadership modifier, and while they last, the creature cannot be frightened.
  • Creatures you did not choose must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Exploit Save DC or be frightened of you for 1 minute. Frightened creatures can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, and each time they take damage, ending the effect on a success.
Once you use this feature you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.  

Paragon of Chivalry

18th-level Warlord (Academy of Chivalry) Feature

You stand as an exemplar of chivalric virtue, a shining beacon for those who follow you. You are immune to the frightened and charmed conditions, and creatures of your choice within 30 feet that can see you have advantage on saving throws to resist and end the charmed and frightened conditions.


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