Academy of Dreadlords

Where most Warlods have a sense of appreciation and care for those that follow them, those known as Dreadlords only care for one thing—victory. These ruthless captains make use of any possible advantage, often using their enemy's greatest fears against them to turn the tide of the battle. These dark captains are often found leading hordes of orcs and undead.

Dark Captain

3rd-Level Warlord (Academy of Dreadlords) Feature

You exude an aura of intimidation and fear that shakes all but the most stalwart warriors to their core. You gain proficiency with ring mail, chain mail, splint, full plate, tower shields, martial weapons, and in Intimidation.   Also, when you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can make a Leadership Ability (Intimidation) check instead. When you do, treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.

Dread Exploits

3rd-Level Warlord (Academy of Dreadlords) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at your Warlord levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Warlord LevelExploit
3rdattack order, menacing shout
5thintimidating command, wild charge
9thwar cry

Ruthless Presence

3rd-Level Warlord (Academy of Dreadlords) Feature

Both friend and foe can sense your willingness to sacrifice anything, or anyone, for the sake of victory. When a creature within 30 feet of you that can see or hear you is forced to make a saving throw to resist being frightened, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on its saving throw.


6th-Level Warlord (Academy of Dreadlords) Feature

You command those who follow you to strike down the weak willed and fearful. Any creature you target with an Inspiring Word or a Tactical Exploit has advantage on weapon attacks against creatures that are currently frightened.   Also, when you cause a creature to be frightened of you, you can instantly issue an attack order (no action required).

Fearful Command

14th-Level Warlord (Academy of Dreadlords) Feature

You spread fear and desolation on the field of battle. When you take the Attack action and hit at least one creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use menacing shout without expending an Exploit Die as a bonus action on that turn.   Also, the range of Ruthless Presence becomes 60 feet.

Bastion of Dread

18th-Level Warlord (Academy of Dreadlords) Feature

You stand as a sinister monument to all those who have tried, and failed, to stop your iron conquest. You gain the following benefits that reflect your intimidating presence:
  • You are immune to the frightened condition.
  • You can add your Leadership modifier (minimum of +1) to attack rolls against creatures that are frightened.
  • Creatures that can see you have disadvantage on saving throws you force them to make to resist being frightened.
  • Creatures that are frightened of you have their speed reduced to 0 while they can see or hear you.


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