Acrobatics CS

Acrobatics encompasses several actions that can be attempted, but all fall under this collective skill such as balancing and escaping from restraints.

Balance (Dex)

You can walk on a precarious surface. A successful check lets you move at half your speed along the surface for 1 round. A failure by 4 or less means you can’t move for 1 round. A failure by 5 or more means you fall. The difficulty varies with surface, as follows:
Narrow SurfaceBalance DC*Difficult Surface**Balance DC*
7-12 Inches Wide 10 Uneven Flagstones 10
2-6 Inches Wide 15 Hewn Stone Floor 10
Less than 2 inches wide 20 Sloped or Angled Floor 10
*Add modifiers from the Narrow Surface Modifiers table below, as appropriate.
  **Only if running, dashing, or charging. Failure by 4 or less means the character can't run or charge, but may otherwise act normally. Failure by 5 or more means the character trips, falling prone.  
Narrow Surface Modifiers
SurfaceDC Modifier
Lightly Obstructed +2
Severely Obstructed +5
Lightly Slippery (Wet or Similar) +2
Severely Slippery (Icy or Similar) +5
Sloped or Angled +2

Being Attacked While Balancing

You are considered flat-footed while balancing, since you can’t move to avoid a blow. If you have 5 or more ranks in Balance, you aren’t considered flat-footed while balancing. If you take damage while balancing, you must make another Balance check against the same DC to remain standing.  

Accelerated Movement

You can try to walk across a precarious surface more quickly than normal. If you accept a -5 penalty, you can move your full speed as a move action. Move twice your speed in a round requires two Balance checks, one for each move action used. You may also accept this penalty in order to Charge across a precarious surface; Charging requires one Balance check for each multiple of your speed (or fraction thereof) that you charge. For example, if your speed is 30 feet and you Charge 40 feet, you must make two Balance checks.  
None. A Balance check doesn’t require an action; it is made as part of another action or as a reaction to a situation.  

Escape Artist (Dex)

The table below gives the DCs to escape various forms of restrained.
RestraintEscape Artist DC
Ropes Binder's Athletics check at +10
Net, animate rope spell, command plants spell, control plants spell, or entangle spell 20
Snare spell 23
Manacles 30
Tight Space 30
Masterwork Manacles 35
Grappler Grappler's Athletics check result


Your Escape Artist check is opposed by the binder’s Athletics check. Since its easier to tie someone up than to escape from being tied up, the binder gets a +10 bonus on his or her check.  

Manacles and Masterwork Manacles

The DC for manacles is set by their construction.  

Tight Space

The DC noted on the table is for getting through a space where your head fits but your shoulders don’t. If the space is long you may need to make multiple checks. You can’t get through a space that your head does not fit through.  


You can make an Acrobatics check opposed by your enemy’s Athletics check to get out of a grapple or out of the pinned condition (so that you’re only grappled).  
Making an Escape Artist check to escape from rope bindings, manacles, or other restrained (except a grappler) requires 1 minute of work. Escaping from a net or an animate rope, command plants, control plants, or entangle spell is a full-round action. Escaping from a grapple or pin is a standard action. Squeezing through a tight space takes at least 1 minute, maybe longer, depending on how long the space is.  
Try Again
Varies. You can make another check after a failed check if you’re squeezing your way through a tight space, making multiple checks. If the situation permits, you can make additional checks, or even take 20, as long as you’re not being actively opposed.
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