Appendix H. Gods of Cetandar

Many deities are worshiped across Elaris. Whether or not each is distinct or merely an avatar of a set of ur-deities is a question that has been debated by theologians in Cetandar and other bastions of learning for millennia. Some heretics are even known to have claimed that deities are nothing more than mortals who have transcended death and time.

Cetandari and Cavellan Pantheons (aka, The Twelve and the Ten)

There were twelve original gods of Cavellas, with the earliest written reference to one of them dating back thousands of years. Certainly, all of the Twelver were acknowledged and thus they were the gods whome the Cavellans brought with them in the great period of imperial expansion. During this golden age, the Twelve each boasted broad portfolios of 'expertise'. This made syncretism not only possible but common during the Cavellan expansion: it was easy enough for the Cavellans to see in some foreign god a particular 'aspect' of one of the Twelve. Many aspects were thus discovered. Of course, whether or not such foreign 'gods' were distinct entities or merely aspects of the Twelve was, of course, a hotly debated theological point. Some modern theologians blame this flexible and accepting approach for the gradual decline of the Twelve; these critics suggest that by claiming to encompass all things, the Twelve lost their uniqueness and thus their appeal to the broader populace. For whatever reason, worship of the Twelve has become ossified and ritualized by the time of the War of Sortians and Theosophs. The imperial government decided to officially link itself to a new slate of deities, ones whose divine support promised to revive the empire. The new pantheon centered around ten very powerful deities ("the Ten") who were served by numerous lesser gods. Theological cynics could ad did note that many of these 'new' gods resembled the most popular of the 'aspects' of the old pantheon, but the official position is that the Ten are distinct from the Twelve. In the present, worship of the old gods is rare; some of the Twelve are forgotten, at least one is presumed 'dead', and another is the object of secretive, illegal cult worship. The Ten and the Seventeen have clearly replaced them. For the past 500 years, the emperor has also been the subject of a cult; the theology of this is a bit fuzzy, and 'worship' of the emperor is primarily understood as a measure of loyalty more than anything else.   Note: Modern Cetandari remain accepting of foreign gods; it is not at all uncommon to find temples or shrines to the Fahryte or Kuneiri pantheons existing alongside those of their Cetandari rivals within the communities of the Empire. The same, however, is not true beyond the borders of the empire; shrines and temples to the Ten are often unwelcome outside the imperial boundaries due to the conquering nature of the Cets being overwhelming to many foreign countries.
Table 1: The Twelve
GodAlignmentAreas of InfluenceSymbol(s) and Weapon(s)
Bezta (F), greater god Chaotic Evil Potency, pleasure, violence, hedonism Phallus, green eye; phallic mace
Fahara (M), greater god Lawful Good Creator of the universe through thought, wisdom, craftsmen, harvests A level, pencil, or plumb line; bow and arrow
Felkic (M), greater god Neutral Good Sky, sun, right behavior Solar disk, hawk; mace
Jaelisa (F), greater god Neutral Evil The moon, nighttime, secrecy, lawlessness, vengeance Quarter moon; dagger
Mahara (F), greater god Lawful Good Fidelity, motherhood, mercy, magic Ankh; staff
Naromikia (F), greater god Neutral Evil Wealth, selfishness, conquest, queen of dragons Rainbow, draconic sillhouette; longsword
Otelimh (M), greater god Neutral The afterlife, death, justice, punishment Feather; staff
Semet (M), greater god Lawful Good Creation, fertility, crafting, the sun A golden seed; spear, flail
Takabus (M), greater god Lawful Neutral Burial, guidance (both of the souls and of the dead and of travelers) Jackal; staff, dagger
Tok (M), greater god Lawful Neutral Knowledge, judging, magic, secrecy, and gnosis Ibis, baboon, arcane symbols; staff
Vahari (F), greater god Lawful Neutral Protection, warfare, snakes and lizards A lidless snake's eye, a hooded cobra; toothed club
Vaski (M), greater god Lawful Evil Power, knowledge, domination, judgement, vengeance, serpents Whirlwind, Vaski animal, jackal, red-headed man; was stick, spear
Table 2: The Ten
GodAlignmentAreas of InfluenceSymbol(s) and Weapon(s)
Ardenia Tessaeron (F), greater god Lawful Good Wisdom, battle tactics, invention, justice Owl; spear
Calithrion (F), greater god Chaotic Neutral Banditry, piracy, sailing, greed, luck, fate Cutlass over Pistol; Cutlass
Demma (F), greater god Lawful Good Fertility, crops, housefold, childbirth, magic A seed; flail
Heschius Ban (M), greater god Lawful Evil Triumph, water, inevitability, power, magic Shackles, a green oval; flail
Hetaradas (M), greater god Lawful Good Duels, contracts, omniscience, defenders, oaths, humanitarian impulses, honor Scales of justice, crossed longswords, lions, flames' longsword, a single silver teardrop
Lucreon (M), greater god Lawful Neutral Profit, amassing wealth, negotiation, innovation, merchants, technology, impartiality A gold coin; light hammer
Lysseon (M), greater god Chaotic Neutral Creative impulses, creativity, indulgence, madness, music, poetry, rage, selfishness, the arts, wine A bunch of grapes, lyre, cluster of wild berries; bow, flail, sickle
Morartis (M), greater god Neutral Good The forge, creation, armor and weapons A suit of plate armor; warhammer
Nevarasti (F), greater god Neutral Good Funerals, death, peace, sacrifice Skull, scythe, black disk; flail, scythe
Tessarandi (F), greater god Neutral Good Adventure, exploration, the wilderness A campfire, a trail with footprints; bow, dagger
Table 3: The Seventeen
GodAlignmentAreas of InfluenceSymbol(s) and Weapon(s)
Aranyania (F), lesser god Neutral Woodlands, nature, growing things, time, balance Oak leaf; longbow
Atashak (M), lesser god Lawful Evil Fire, the sun, inevitable destruction, battle, sacrifice Burning torch; battle axe
Banion (M), lesser god Chaotic Neutral Decision-making, trickery, deceity; the twin of Yanion An idealized face, half white and half black, with red eyes; dagger
Basileus (M), lesser god Lawful Neutral The Emperor, rulership Laurel wreath; mace
Bisor (M), lesser god Lawful Good The household, security, lineage Blue key; staff
Ketakos (M), lesser god Neutral The underworld, slow death, savage beauty, Lord of Caves Barred gate; scythe
Diktynna (F), lesser god Chaotic Neutral Hunting, the chase in all forms, the moon A horn, a brown satchel; bows, hunting spears
Ellion (F), lesser god Chaotic Neutral The night, the moon, uncertainty, financial ventures Blindfolds, stilts; dagger, crossbow
Envalios (M), lesser god Chaotic Neutral Battle, mercenaries, fire as pitiless destruction Crow; battle axe
Kaerion (—), lesser god Neutral The (genderless) Lord of Time, endlessness, prophecy Hourglass; staff
Lyncion (M), lesser god Neutral Evil Secrets, magic, demons, hidden knowledge, power A blue eye; dagger
Melkarton (M), lesser god Neutral Good The sea, travel, merchants, fair dealing Manta ray; longsword
Nicetoreon (F), lesser god Neutral Judgement, the afterlife, passage of souls, earning merit A lead weight, a small figuring representing the soul; mace
Qandisi (F), lesser god Chaotic Evil The Sloe-Eyed Lady of Lust, the Dancing Maiden of Chaos, lust, control, sex Human image with breasts and phallus; whip
Rudiana (F), lesser god Chaotic Neutral Battle, berserkers, unrestrained violence Red teardrop; axe
Treshub (M), lesser god Chaotic Evil Storms, the sky, lightning, fertility Lightning bolt; spear
Yaniona (F), lesser god Lawful Neutral Medicine, thresholds, decisions (twin to Banion) A half-empty vial; club

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