

This spell alters probability to favor one character or creature locked in battle. His opponent may stumble at an awkward time, a clumsy parry might catch the enemy's weapon at just the right angle, or he happens to notice the foe moving in for a flank attack. The more powerful the priest, the more potent the aid; combat modifiers provided by Battlefate equal +1 per three levels, so a 1st-level caster provides a +1 bonus, a 4th-level caster a +2 bonus, a 7th-level caster a +3, and so on to a maximum of +5 for a 13th-level priest. The exact form of the aid or assistance varies from round to round 1: No Effect - 2: Bonus to AC - 3: Bonus to Saves - 4: Bonus to Attack rolls - 5: Bonus to Damage rolls - 6: Extra attack with a bonus to attack or damage (subject's choice)


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Material Components
The material component for this spell is an electrum coin tossed by the priest as he casts the spell.
Related School
Effect Duration
2 Rounds/Level
Effect Casting Time
4 Segments
20 Feet


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