

Upon uttering the bless spell, the caster raises the morale of friendly creatures and any saving throw rolls they make against fear effects by +1. Furthermore, it raises their attack dice rolls by +1. The caster determines at what range (up to 60 yards) he will cast the spell. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 50-foot cube centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).   A second use of this spell is to bless a single item (for example, a crossbow bolt for use against a rakshasa). The weight of the item is limited to one pound per caster level and the effect lasts until the item is used or the spell duration ends.   Multiple bless spells are not cumulative.   This spell can be reversed by the priest to a curse spell that, when cast upon enemy creatures, lowers their morale and attack rolls by -1. The curse requires the sprinkling of unholy water.


Players Handbook page 252 (Modified)
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Material Components
The material component for the spell is holy water.
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Effect Duration
6 Rounds
Effect Casting Time
1 Round
60 Feet


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