Carousing and Philanthropy


Once per session while in a civilized settlement, a PC may choose to Carouse in order to gain extra XP. A PC who goes carousing must choose to spend a certain amount of GP, limited by the size of the settlement. THe result determines how much they actually spend, and how much XP they gain.
Settlement SizeGP Spent/XP Gained
Village 1d6 x 100
Town 1d8 x 100
City 1d10 x 200
Metropolis 1d12 x 250
  • In any given settlement, carousers may choose to roll from any smaller entry.
  • If the amount of gold spent is more than the PC had on hand, they owe the money to someone nefarious or must borrow it from other PCs. In addition, they must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison (modified by Wisdom). Failure requires a roll on the Carousing Mishaps table.
  • If the die roll is higher than the carouser's level, they still gain the listed XP, but must roll on the Carousing Mishaps table.
  • Thieves connected to a settlement's organized crime element may gain up to a +2 on the Carousing roll. Frinds of thieves gain up to +1.
  • PCs gain +10% XP when Carousing on the weekend.

Carousing Mishaps

3 In a fit of idiocy, you mistake a powerful numbing agent for beer. Reduce CON by 1d4 for 1d3 days, and you’re unable to speak coherently for the same length of time. This prevents spellcasting. A CON score below 1 results in death.
4 Local wizards/alchemists/assassins/sages take advantage of your inebriation to ply you with their latest experimental concoction. Heal all hit points, and roll a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates catatonic sleep for 1d3 days.
5 Minor misunderstanding with local authorities. Roll 2d6+CHA.
  • 10+: Choose one.
  • 7-9: Choose two.
  • 6 or less: All three.
    1. Fine of 2d6 x 25 gp.
    2. 1d6 days in jail.
    3. -1 to all social rolls for 1d2 weeks
6 Romantic Entanglement. Roll 2d6+WIS.
  • 10+: Choose one.
  • 7-9: Choose two.
  • 6 or less: All three.
    1. The person is a named NPC and everyone knows about it.
    2. You contract a venereal disease.
    3. An invested party takes issue with your temerity. Lose half your hit points.
7 Drinks were on you, apparently. Roll the dice as if you caroused again to see how much money your largesse cost you. (No additional XP for the second carousing roll.) +1 to all social rolls in this settlement for 1d3 weeks.
8 Hangover. First day of adventuring is at -2 to all rolls. Casters must roll Int or Wis check with each spell to avoid casting failure.
9 Make a fool of yourself in public. Gain half XP. Roll Charisma check or gain reputation in this settlement as a drunken lout. -1 to all social rolls for 1d3 weeks.
10 Involved in a random brawl. Roll 2d6+Str.
  • 10+ Choose one.
  • 7-9: Choose two.
  • 6 or less: All three.
    1. You wake up in jail.
    2. You lose 1d6 hp.
    3. -1 to all social roll for 1d3 weeks.
11 Gambling binge. Lose all your gold, gems, jewelry. For each magic item in your possession, roll 3d6 and try to get under your Wisdom. Failure indicates it’s gone.
12 You insult someone of importance in the settlement. Roll 2d6+INT.
  • 10+: A rival of the person appreciates your temerity, and grants you a boon.
  • 7-9: The person refuses any contact with you and your compatriots for 14 months.
  • 6 or less: The persona actively seeks to physically, emotionally, or financially harm you.
13 Get into a duel of honor. Roll 2d6+DEX.
  • 10+: Choose one.
  • 7-9: Choose two.
  • 6 or less: None.
    1. You won. +1 to all social rolls for 1d6 days.
    2. You don't take 1d6 damage.
    3. You aren't thrown in jail for 1d6 days.
14 You ill-advisedly indulge in a toxic cocktail of psychotropic substances. A series of Boschian nightmares shreds your psyche. Take 1d6 damage each to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Save vs. Poison for half. Any score below 1 results in death.
15 You were caught desecrating a temple and shouting blasphemies. Roll 2d6+CHA.
  • 10+: Choose one.
  • 7-9: Choose two.
  • 6 or less: All three.
    1. You are run out of town.
    2. -2 to all social rolls in settlement.
    3. 1 in 6 chance that magical healing will harm instead of healing.
16 Beaten and robbed. Lose all your personal effects and you’re reduced to 1 hit point.
17 Major misunderstanding with local authorities. Imprisoned until fines and bribes totaling d6 x 1,000gp paid. All weapons, armor, and magic items confiscated.
18 You accidentally start a conflagration. Roll a d6 twice.
First Roll
  • 1-2: Burn down your favorite inn.
  • 3-4: Some other den of ill repute is reduced to ash.
  • 5-6: A big chunk of town goes up in smoke.
Second Roll
  • 1-2: No one knows it was you.
  • 3-4: Your fellow carousers know you did it.
  • 5: Someone else knows, perhaps a blackmailer.
  • 6: Everybody knows.


Once per session while in a civilized settlement, a PC may choose to donate to philanthropic causes in order to gain extra experience points. A PC who participates in Philanthropy must choose to spend a minimum amount og GP, determined by the size of the settlement. In return, they receive 80% if the GP expended in XP.
Settlement SizeMinimum GP Expenditure
Village 300
Town 600
City 1,000
Metropolis 1,500
If the amount spent is more than double the minimum expenditure listed for a given settlement size, there is a chance that the populace either resents or appreciates the PC's generosity. Roll on the Philanthropic Consequences Table.

Philanthropic Consequences

1 The populace resents your wealth and condescending manner of spending it. -1 to all social rolls in the settlement, and you may never practice philanthropy here again.
2 The populace appreciates the generosity, but thinks your motives are self-serving. -1 to social rolls in the settlement.
3-4 The populace knows you by name in this settlement.
5 Your generosity is lauded by the populace. +1 to social rolls in this settlement.
6 Your name is recognized by everyone within 30 miles. +1 to social rolls within this area, and mundane goods are 10% cheaper.


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