Carving CS

Check (Wis; Trained Only)

You can carve creatures you have defeated in order to obtain useful materials from their corpses. Unlike most skills, there are not set DCs for creatures when using Carving, and each creature that can be carved has DCs set for individual parts.   You must state what parts you are seeking to carve off a creature first. You may use an appropriate Knowledge skill to learn more about a specific creature and choose parts based on that information. The time required to carve creatures of varying sizes and the maximum number of people able to carve such a creature are shown on the table below.
Creature SizeMaximum CarversTime Required
Fine 1 1 Minute
Diminutive 1 1 Minute
Tiny 1 1 Minute
Small 2 5 Minutes
Medium 3 10 Minutes
Large 5 30 Minutes
Huge 10 1 Hour
Gargantuan 15 3 Hours
Colossal 20 6 Hours
Titanic 50 12 Hours
Awesome 100 24 Hours
You must have appropriate tools in order to carve the creature at hand. While this is typically a carving knife or dagger of some sort, some creatures may require special tools such as hammers to break strong carapaces. Gathering certain materials may also require special items, such as vials to collect blood or other fluids.   Once the list of parts you wish to carve off a creature is decided, you roll your Carving check and compare it to the piece with the highest DC to carve it, continuing down the list and subtracting the DC of the parts from your check result until an item is higher than your Carving check result. Any pieces you seek to carve off but fail to do so are damaged beyond use.

Appropriate Knowledge Check

You can use an appropriate knowledge check to learn about a creature, using the listed Knowledge skill. If more than one is listed, the DM decides which is most appropritate.
Creature TypeKnowledge Skill
Aberration Psionics
Animal Nature
Construct Arcana or Technology
Dragon Arcana
Elemental The Planes
Fey The Planes
Giant History
Humanoid History
Magical Beast Arcana
Monstrous Humanoid History
Outsider (Celestial or Fiend) Religion
Outsider (Other) The Planes
Plant Nature
Undead Religion
Vermin Nature


Varies. Carving a corpse depends on the size of the corpse, and requires a full-round action each round that is spent carving.

Try Again

No. You cannot try again on the same corpse, regardless of success.


Physical parts of creatures can be harvested so long as the corpse is fresh (within 10 minutes of dying) and can be extended by magic that would otherwise preserve a corpse. As such, carving an exceptionally large creature may require such magics in order to make full use of the corpse. This time is paused if the corpse is moved to a clean location. Regardless of how long a corpse is preserved, if creatures do not begin carving it within 10 minutes of its death, its essence will escape and be unrecoverable.   Only half the maximum carvers (rounded down) are required to be trained. So long as this requirement is met, all other carvers may be untrainted. For example, carving a large-sized Bulette requires at least 2 trained carvers, while the other three can be untrained.
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