
Champions forgo all other forms of improvement to focus on enhancing their raw physical might. These immense figures strive to maintain peak physical condition through relentless training. In battle, Champions perform supernatural feats of athleticism and overwhelm their foes with their raw power.

Champion Exploits

3rd-Level Fighter (Champion) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Fighter LevelExploit
3rdfeat of strength, ruthless strike
5thconcussive blow, heroic will
9thmythic athleticism

Mighty Warrior

3rd-Level Fighter (Champion) Feature

Your raw physical might enhances your attacks. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.   At 15th level, your critical hit range increases again, and you score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 on the d20.

Remarkable Strength

3rd-Level Fighter (Champion) Feature

You easily perform feats of raw strength and endurance that would seem impossible. Whenever you make a Strength or Constitution ability check or saving throw you gain a bonus to your roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.

Peak Athlete

7th-Level Fighter (Champion) Feature

Your physical abilities are peerless. You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to your base land speed, and when you use Second Wind you gain the benefits of the Dash action.

Devastating Critical

10th-Level Fighter (Champion) Feature

Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon attack you can deal additional damage equal to your Fighter level.   At 15th level, when you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, you can maximize the damage instead of rolling. Once you do you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Legendary Champion

18th-Level Fighter (Champion) Feature

You are a nearly perfect physical specimen and have become exceedingly hard to kill. If you begin your turn while bloodied, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier.


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