
A chardalyn is a rare, naturally occuring substance mined in nugget form in rare places throughout The Fahrym Unions.


Material Characteristics

When first discovered, these oval-shaped black stones were described as "useless rocks" by miners, but their affinity for magic was soon discovered. These nuggets are as brittle as glass and turn into a powder when they are forcefully struck or when hurled against a solid object.

Physical & Chemical Properties

A single chardalyn can absorb one spell, which is released when the stone is crushed or destroyed. This is a natural ability of the substance and does not require any magical preparation or treatment beforehand. The spell stays encased in the chardalyn indefinitely—it can be released seconds or centuries later. Usually, the spell is cast with the chardalyn as the target and it is absorbed without fail, but an empty chardalyn has a slightly better than even chance to absorb a spell that does not target it directly, as long as it is in the spell's area of effect. Once a chardalyn is imbued with a spell, additional spells have no effect on the stone. When shattered, the attributes (power, volume, duration, damage, etc.) of the spell are unchanged and the focal point is the exact location where the breakage occurs.

Geology & Geography

This strange material is found within The Fahrym Unions in massive spires of what appear to be black ice. Due to their fragility and the strength of the ice, harvesting these stones is exceptionally difficult, causing a high price to be attached to the items.
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