

Clairvoyance allows the user to see images from a distant area. The psionicist picks a viewing spot anywhere within range. He can then see anything that he could normally see if he were standing in that spot. His field of vision is no wider than usual, but he can scan the area by turning his head.   Clairvoyance does not replace the character's normal eyesight. The psionicist can still "see" what is actually before him, but the distant scene is superimposed. For this reason, most clairvoyants close their eyes to avoid the confusion of images.   The more distant the viewed area is, the more difficult it is to use clairvoyance. The table below shows how the range to a viewed area can diminish the psionicist's power score.
RangePower Score Modifier
100 yards0
1,000 yards-2
10 miles-4
100 miles-6
1,000 miles-8
10,000 miles-10
Clairvoyance does nothing to enhance the character's vision. Unless some other power or magic is at work, he still cannot see objects that are invisible, hidden in shadow, or behind other objects. This power also provides no sound, so the character actually sees a kind of silent movie (without subtitles, of course).   Once the viewing spot is chosen, it is fixed in space. To enjoy the view   from another location, the psionicist must use this power another time, and make a new power check.   The psionicist's clairvoyant presence is undetectable by normal means. It cannot be dispelled, repelled, or kept away by any form of magic.   Power Score - The psionicist automatically gains clairaudience, too, for the duration of the clairvoyant vision.   20 - The psionicist is blind for 1d4 hours.
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Power Score
Wis -4
Initial Cost
Maintenance Cost
Preparation Time
7 (base)
PSP Cost
Area of Effect


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