Cosmic Awareness

This power is a High Science


Cosmic awareness is the High Science of Clairsentience and can only be utilized by those powerful few that have dedicated themselves to being able to sense all that they can. It allows a psionicist to perceive all things that are occurring within the area of effect. The character is essentially gifted with X-ray vision that extends into the astral and ethereal planes. She sees all inanimate features within the area of effect; she can see what is on the other side of the hill, detect hidden caves, see secret doors and traps, and even detect lodes of unusual minerals or other geological phenomena. In addition to inanimate objects, the psionicist also perceives forces— winds, water currents, or spell effects such as glyphs of warding, areas of reversed gravity, and so forth.   All living creatures larger than a microbe are perceived. Cosmic awareness detects invisibility, detects evil/good, and detects magic without fail. Illusions are perceived for what they are. Creatures who are shapechanged or polymorphed are noted and their true forms understood. Ethereal, astral, phased, ectoplasmic, or gaseous creatures are seen as well. Details of the creature's equipment are detected down to the number of gold pieces in their purses.   The character also hears all sounds and detects all smells within the area.   On the first round that this power is used, the psionicist perceives everything within a 10-foot radius around her. For each additional round the power is maintained, she may extend her perception radius by another 10 feet.   Before a psionicist can select this power, she must engage in research by intense meditation to gain a High Science, as described in Chapter Seven.   Power Score - The psionicist begins with an extended perception radius of 30 feet.   20 - The psionicist is overwhelmed by the amount of information being pumped into her brain and must save versus spells or be struck deaf and blind for 1d4 hours.
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Power Score
Wis -6
Initial Cost
Maintenance Cost
Preparation Time
PSP Cost
Area of Effect
10th level, Clairvoyance, Detection, All-Round Vision


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