Crimson Dwarf

Rare largely due to their environment, crimson dwarves—also known as flame dwarves—live near magma vents, volcanoes, or other sources of extreme heat. Combining a resistance to the heat in these places with their natural resistance to toxins for the foul air, these dwarves find themselves right at home in these otherwise inhospitable places. Crimson dwarves tend to stand above most of their cousins, averaging between 4¼ and 4¾ feet, and are also the heaviest of the dwarves, weighing an average of 200 pounds largely due to their increased height. Their skin tends to be a deep brown, almost black in color and their eyes range from orange to gold. Their hair is naturally brown or a dirty blond, but the soot of their homes tends to end up dying it black. They tend away from metal bits in their clothing as the heat from their home can make it unbearable to wear, even for them, but they are excellent smiths otherwise. They have even been known to work alongside fire giants to create equipment worthy of both races. Crimson dwarves believe they are the superior and original breed of dwarves, pointing toward their inherent strengths and skill in the forge as undeniable proof that they were first among their kind. Crimson dwarves do not use coinage in their societies, as the precious metals will become far too hot and malleable in hand in their homes. Crimson dwarves tend to use chips of gemstones as their currency, from the smallest of sapphire chips all the way up to large diamonds, each piece is valued based on its weight. Some crimson dwarf clans seal the chips in glass beads, though this is not shared among all clans as many prefer to keep the ability to easily use the gemstone for other things should the need arise.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Agathira, Amberforge, Amberlyn, Aventura, Azura, Brimstonea, Cinderella, Embersa, Firelitha, Flamea, Flintessa, Garnetia, Gemara, Granitea, Jadeforge, Lavarra, Magmara, Moltara, Obsidra, Opaline, Pyritea, Rubyana, Sardonya, Sootara, Topazia

Masculine names

Agarak, Balin, Bofur, Dori, Drakar, Durgan, Dwalin, Fili, Flinok, Garnar, Ignatius, Kilik, Kyanitek, Magmar, Magmaur, Nori, Oin, Onyxar, Pyriak, Sardok, Sulfurk, Terrak, Thorin, Thormar, Volcanar

Family names

Ashenbeard, Brimstonehelm, Diamondcore, Emberbeard, Emberforge, Firemantle, Flameforged, Flamekin, Forgeflame, Gemblaze, Gemhammer, Heatshield, Infernothane, Ironflame, Lavabane, Magmaheart, Moltenbeard, Obsidianclad, Obsidiancrest, Redrock, Rubyvein, Searock, Sootstone, Stonemelter, Volcanosmith
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Game Mechanics

Custom System
To Be Made

5th Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
Your Strength score increases by 2.
Always Ready
You can sleep in armor without penalties.
On your turn, as a bonus action, you can expend a Hit Die to cause your body to go alight for 1 minute. Whenever a creature starts its turn grappling or grappled by you or hits you with an unarmed or natural weapon attack, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking fire damage equal to a roll of your Hit Die plus your Constitution modifier on a failure.
Fire Resistance
You have resistance to fire damage.
You can speak, read, and write Crimson Dwarvish. Crimson Dwarvish is a dialect of dwarvish with a much harsher sound palette, filled with words from the Giant language.


4th Edition
To Be Made

3.5th Edition
To Be Made

2nd Edition
To Be Made

Pathfinder 2e
To Be Made

Encompassed species


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