Currency of Lungao

The weight, size, and relative value of coins minted in Lungao varies from the general coinage used in some other locations, such as the copper, silver, and gold pieces used by the Cetandari Empire.   Brass Scale: Used as a rememberance for the first gift of the dragons to the Ryushin people, these brass pieces resemble the small, smooth scales of a dragon. It is marked with lines from base to tip on the front edge, while the back bears symbols written in both ryushin and high draconic saying "Strength through Unity". 90 brass scales weigh 1 pound and two scales are worth a cetandari copper piece. Four brass scales is equal to one pewter talon.   Pewter Talon: A common feature between both the dragons and the fey that inhabit Lungao alongside the ryushin people. The coins are shaped like a flattened claw or talon, with "Wisdom through Allies" written on it in ryushin on one side and high draconic on the other. These coins are exceptionally small, and 125 talons weigh 1 pound and five talons is equal to a cetandari silver piece. 50 pewter talons equal a single gold disc.   Gold Disc: These small gold coins show a rising sun with dragon motifs entwined within its rays, and signify a new dawn and prosperity. A gold disc is equal in value to a cetandari gold piece, and weighs as much.   Wyrmsteel Medallion: These pale coin are reminiscient of electrum in color, but are particularly light. 80 medallions weigh a pound. The coins are decorated with the design of the Dragon Emperor. These coins are exceptionally valuable and used only in important transactions. A single wyrmsteel medallion is worth 250 gold discs.
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