
Bards who are initiated into the illustrious College of Dance possess a deep and profound understanding of the interconnectedness between magic and movement. To them, dance is the ultimate manifestation of the arcane arts, an art form that transcends the boundaries of time, language, and culture. These bards don’t merely view dance as a physical expression; they perceive it as a spiritual journey, a vessel through which they can channel their magical prowess and convey emotions, stories, and even combat techniques in a spellbinding spectacle.
  In their pursuit of mastering the Dance, bards of this college invest countless hours refining their physical agility, honing their reflexes, and achieving unparalleled grace. They often seek mentorship from monastic orders that specialize in martial arts and combat techniques to complement their enchanting dance routines. The harmonious fusion of martial arts and spellcasting creates a unique and mesmerizing form of combat, making these bards equally formidable on the battlefield as they are on the stage.
  The College of Dance’s philosophy extends beyond the physical realm. These bards view their dance as a reflection of the cosmic dance of the universe, embracing the idea that every movement, every gesture, is interconnected with the rhythms of existence. They often spend time meditating on the celestial patterns, studying the cycles of the moon, and drawing inspiration from natural phenomena to infuse their performances with celestial energy and elemental magic. Through this profound connection to the cosmos, they harness the power of the elements, weaving them seamlessly into their dance routines to create breathtaking displays of arcane magic.
  In their quest for mastery, bards of this college frequently gather in secluded sanctuaries, sacred groves, or serene monastic retreats where they can practice and refine their craft without distractions. These gatherings serve as opportunities for knowledge-sharing, where the bards exchange secrets of their magical dance forms and experiment with innovative choreography that pushes the boundaries of both art and magic.
  While many bards of the College of Dance seek acclaim as performers, they often find themselves drawn to the world’s epicenters of conflict. Their enchanting dance routines become potent tools on the battlefield, as they weave intricate spells into their movements, casting illusions, controlling the elements, and bolstering their allies with arcane empowerment. These bards truly understand that their magic isn’t just for show; it’s a force that can shape destinies, change the course of battles, and leave audiences in awe of the beauty and power of their art.

Unarmored Defense

3rd-Level Bard (Dancer) Feature
While you are not wearing any armor or wielding a shield, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.

Dazzling Footwork

3rd-Level Bard (Dancer) Feature
Your practice of dance gives you the ability to gracefully dodge and make agile strikes. While you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you gain the following benefits:
    • When you expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration, you can make one unarmed strike as part of that action, bonus action, or reaction.
  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your unarmed strikes, and when you deal damage with an unarmed strike, you can deal bludgeoning damage equal to a roll of your bardic inspiration die plus your dexterity modifier. This roll doesn’t expend the die.[/il]

Inspiring Movement

3rd-Level Bard (Dancer) Feature
When an enemy you can see ends its turn within 5 feet of an ally of yours who is within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction and expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to move up to half your speed. Then, you roll your Bardic Inspiration die, and your ally can move up to a number of feet equal to 5 times the number rolled. Movement granted by this feature is considered Shifting.

Leading Evasion

6th-Level Bard (Dancer) Feature
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and you take only half damage if you fail. If any willing creature of your choice is within 5 feet of you making the same Dexterity saving throw, you can share this benefit with them for that save.
  You can't use this feature if you are incapacitated.

Tandem Footwork

6th-Level Bard (Dancer) Feature
When you roll initiative, you can spend one use of your Bardic Inspiration so long as you are not incapacitated. When you do so, roll your Bardic Inspiration die and choose a number of creatures within 60 feet of yourself, up to a number equal to your 1 + your Bard Power Reservoir. Each of the chosen creatures gains a bonus to their initiative equal to the number rolled.

Evasive Dance

14th-Level Bard (Dancer) Feature
While your movement speed is not reduced in any way, you are always under the effects of the Dash and Disengage actions. Additionally, you can use the Dodge action as a bonus action by expending one use of your Bardic Inspiration.
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