
AD&D 2e Complete Paladin's Handbook
Classes AllowedPaladin
Ability Score RequirementsStrength 12
Constitution 9
Wisdom 13
Charisma 17
Prime RequisitesStrength, Wisdom, Charisma
Races AllowedHuman
Alignments AllowedLawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil1
1This replaces the typical alignment requirement of a paladin so long as the character still follows the rest of the kit. Should a Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil Divinate abandon this kit, they become a fighter, not a paladin.   Devoutly religious, Divinates serve as the military branch of their church and consider themselves soldiers of their gods. Their religious discipline imbues them with a clear sense of purpose; promoting the principles of their faith is not only morally correct, but a sacred duty.


Divinates were originally responsible for accompanying disciples of the church on religious pilgrimages, fighting off bandits and monsters that lay in wait. Over time, church elders realized that all threats to their disciples, whether physical or spiritual, needed to be addressed. Consequently, they sent Divinates into the world to confront and eliminate these threats. For a Divinate, upholding the tenets of their faith and defending the righteous is a sacred duty; confronting and vanquishing threats to their faith is a holy act.   Though a Divinate becomes a determined avenger when confronting threats, they are otherwise thoughtful and compassionate. They see themselves as protectors of the common people, sources of solace to the downtrodden and disadvantaged. A Divinate may insist that the party share its treasure with destitute families and impoverished communities. They may offer temporary employment to a pauper too proud to accept charity. They conduct impromptu prayer services in makeshift chapels and officiate at the christenings and burials of peasants.   Though completely devoted to his or her faith, Divinates respect all faiths that align with their alignment. They are not driven by a need to proselytize but by a commitment to uphold the principles of law and order. Whether they are Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Lawful Evil, Divinates act according to their interpretation of divine will, seeking to create a world that aligns with their religious beliefs and the moral order they uphold.


  • Divinates obtain one additional sphere depending on the god they follow. While most faiths will have this sphere listed, some may not. In this case, work with your DM to determine an appropriate sphere. Most often, this is either CharmCharm, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Protection, or Sun.
  • If a Divinate chooses to build a stronghold, it must be a monastery or other religious edifice. If the Divinate has faithfully served his church and has never committed a serious ethos violation, the church elders may officially sanction his stronghold, contributing resources and labor to reduce construction costs to half the normal price (the Divinate is still responsible for purchasing or otherwise obtaining the land). Typically, official sanction is not given to a Divinate until he reaches 12th level, so as not to offend the clerics who also seek sanctions for their strongholds.


  • A Divinate must donate 20% of all income to his church. Additionally, his church requires a minimum monthly contribution, usually 1-10 gp (as determined by the DM). Therefore, every month he must donate either 20% of his income or his minimum contribution, whichever is greater. Failure to do so is considered an ethos violation of his tithing stricture.
  • A Divinate must mediate for one full hour every day to cleanse his spirit, preferably when he rises or just before he goes to sleep. If he is interrupted or distracted for more than two consecutive rounds, he must start over. A Divinate who neglects to meditate cannot cast spells the following day.

Notable Divinates


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