
Clad in clanging plate armor, a cetandari man charges valiantly toward a horde of goblins, shield raised defensively. Behind him, a studded leather-clad high elf rains arrows upon the goblins with precision from her exquisite bow. Nearby, a half-orc barks strategic commands, orchestrating their combined assault against the foe.   A gold dwarf, armored in chain mail, interposes his shield between an ogre's club and a companion, diverting a potentially fatal strike. His partner, a half-mirage elf in scale armor, wields dual scimitars with blinding speed. Her form blurs as she maneuvers around the ogre, seeking a vulnerable point in its defense.   Within the arena, a gladiator showcases mastery with trident and net, delighting the crowd by toppling foes strategically. His opponent wields a sword aglow with blue light, unleashing lightning to strike him down.   These diverse individuals are all fighters, among the most versatile class across Elaris. From questing knights to marauders, king's champions to elite soldiers, mercenaries, and bandit leaders—the spectrum of fighters spans both noble heroes and callous villains. They defend the helpless with unwavering resolve or, conversely, take lives for personal gain or amusement. Fighters outside the adventuring realm might serve as soldiers, guards, champions, or enforcers of criminal enterprises. When on the path of adventure, a fighter may identify as a warrior, mercenary, thug, or simply an adventurer.  

Versatile Experts

Fighters boast exceptional all-around combat prowess among classes. Proficient in standard weapons and armor, each fighter develops unique specialties. Some excel with specific weapons, others in executing intricate maneuvers. With experience, they rapidly refine their combat skills, swiftly mastering the most challenging techniques.   Aligned across the moral spectrum, fighters vary widely. Good-aligned fighters crusade against evil, while lawful ones champion the land's protection. Chaotic fighters might wander as mercenaries, and evil ones often resort to brute force for personal gain.   Every fighter masters basic combat styles, wielding a variety of weapons, including axes, rapiers, longswords, greatswords, bows, and nets. They also handle shields and all types of armor proficiently. Furthermore, each fighter specializes in a specific combat style—archery, dual-wielding, or blending martial prowess with magic. This dual focus on broad combat skill and specialized mastery renders fighters formidable in battlefields and dungeons alike.  

Trained for Peril

Not every city watch member or village militia member is a fighter. Seasoned soldiers, military officers, trained bodyguards, and dedicated knights, among others, encompass the ranks of fighters.   Some fighters heed the call of adventure, finding dungeon delving and monster slaying akin to their previous lives. The risks might be higher, but so are the potential rewards—few city watch fighters chance upon discovering a magical flame tongue sword.   Fighters arrive at their profession through diverse paths. Many receive formal training in noble armies or local militias, while some attend formal academies. Others are self-taught veterans, rough around the edges but battle-tested. Motivations vary, from seeking escape from rural life to upholding proud family legacies. While fighters lack a collective identity, those from specific academies or mercenary companies share a sense of camaraderie.   Human fighters typically hail from military service backgrounds, often from mundane parentage. Dwarf fighters often stem from well-trained strike teams safeguarding underground dwarven realms, belonging to warrior lineages tracing back generations. They might hold alliances or rivalries with other dwarf fighters of distinct lineages. Elf fighters, adept with the longsword, take pride in their swordsmanship, eager to display and test their skills.   Half-orc fighters, often self-taught outsiders, earn recognition and a semblance of respect through their achieved expertise. Gnomes and halflings usually serve in their communities' militias rather than venturing into adventuring. Half-elves, often enjoying the versatility of the fighter, might adopt swordplay to honor elven traditions or a different combat style that follows their human heritage.   While few brutal humanoids manage the discipline to become true fighters, the militaristic hobgoblins produce a substantial number of strong and skilled combatants.   The fighter excels in direct confrontations but relies on others for magical aid, healing, and scouting. In a team, their role is to hold the frontline, safeguard comrades, and vanquish formidable adversaries. Though they might not comprehend wizards' arcane ways or share clerics' faith, fighters value the significance of teamwork.  

Creating a Fighter

As you build your fighter, think about two related elements of your character’s background: Where did you get your combat training, and what set you apart from the mundane warriors around you? Were you particularly ruthless? Did you get extra help from a mentor, perhaps because of your exceptional dedication? What drove you to this training in the first place? A threat to your homeland, a thirst for revenge, or a need to prove yourself might all have been factors.   You might have enjoyed formal training in a noble’s army or in a local militia. Perhaps you trained in a war academy, learning strategy, tactics, and military history. Or you might be self-taught—unpolished but well tested. Did you take up the sword as a way to escape the limits of life on a farm, or are you following a proud family tradition? Where did you acquire your weapons and armor? They might have been military issue or family heirlooms, or perhaps you scrimped and saved for years to buy them. Your armaments are now among your most important possessions—the only things that stand between you and death’s embrace.


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