Gem Dragons

Gem dragons are a type of dragon with crystalline scales and innate psionic power. They spend most of their time on the Inner Planes.


Amethyst Dragon

Amethyst dragons are neutral, logical dragons. They have lavender skin and crystal-like scales. Their breath weapon is a blast of concussive force, and they are known to burrow into the ground.

Beljuril Dragon

Beljuril dragons are exceptionally rare and reclusive, living only in seismically active environments.

Crystal Dragon

Crystal dragons are friendly, curious gem dragons. THey enjoy conversing with other creatures but sometimes come into conflict with white dragons due to shared preference in habitats. They are chaotic neutral and have a blinding cone of white light for a breath weapon. They are the smallest of the gem dragons and have translucent, crystalline scales.

Emerald Dragon

Emerald dragons are reclusive dragons with a lawful bent. They are inquisitive about history, but also paranoid and distrustful of visitors, whom they deter by setting traps in and by their lairs, and with their breath weapon, a powerful blast of wind. They have scales in many shades of green, with a scintillating appearance that makes the dragon seem to be in constant motion.

Obsidian Dragon

Obsidian dragons are the most intelligent of the gem dragons, but also the most dangerous. They have smooth, black, glass-like scales that have razor edges and can breathe a cone of fire. They prefer to lair near volcanoes, and are notable for their psionic abilities.

Ruby Dragon

The strongest of the gem dragons, and often mistaken for red dragons, ruby dragons breathe a cone or line of immense, invisible heat that can cause items to combust and metal to glow red-hot.

Sapphire Dragon

Sapphire dragons are territorial, militaristic dragons who normally live in the Underdark. The majority of their diet is composed of giant spiders, and sapphire dragons consider all the evil races of the Underdark their enemies. Their breath weapon is a blast of noise that causes panic. Because of their sparkling, multi-hued blue-colored scales, they are sometimes mistaken for blue dragons.

Topaz Dragon

Topaz dragons are erratic, antisocial gem dragons who are often selfish and disinterested in things that do not affect them. They prefer to live by beaches, and enjoy feeling the sea wind against their faceted, yellow-orange scales.
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