
AD&D 2e Complete Paladin's Handbook
Classes AllowedPaladin
Ability Score RequirementsStrength 12
Constitution 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 17
Prime RequisitesStrength, Wisdom, Charisma
Races AllowedHuman
Alignments AllowedLawful Good
The Ghosthunter is obsessed with finding and destroying evil undead, including ghosts, spectres, liches, and vampires. To further his goals, the Ghosthunter's deity has provided him with special powers to vanquish his nemeses and resist their evil magic.


A Ghosthunter allies with any acceptable adventuring party that seems likely to encounter his hated foes. Given the opportunity, a Ghosthunter will explore every crypt, cemetery, and abandoned castle to search for undead, attacking relentlessly until the last of them fall or the party leader orders him to withdraw. While a Ghosthunter shares all Good-aligned paladins' hatred of evil, destroying undead is his primary objective.   A singleminded Ghosthunter may try the patience of his most sympathetic companion. Often withdrawn and grim, he prefers solitude to socializing. His reticence makes him a poor leader, as he often has difficulty focusing on the party's overall mission. A Ghosthunter may resist following orders if he disagrees with his party's strategy (if he can so do without violating his ethos) and strike out on his own ceaseless hunt for undead.


  • At 5th level, a Ghosthunter acquires the innate ability to cast dispel evil once per day. The spell requires no components, but otherwise operates the same as the 5th-level priest spell of that name. The number of times he can cast this spell increases as he advances in level as shown in the table below.
  • Ghosthunters of all levels have a 95% immunity to paralysis caused by undead. Additionally, all Ghosthunters have the innate ability to cast remove paralysis. The spell requires no components, but is otherwise identical to the 3rd-level priest spell of the same name. The number of times he can cast this spell increases as he advances in level as shown in the table below.
  • LevelDispel EvilRemove Paralysis
  • A Ghosthunter turns undead as a cleric of the same level.
  • The Ghosthunter's deity might give the Ghosthunter an opportunity to acquire a sword +3 Purifier at some point before he reaches 6th level. The DM determines the circumstances, as per the guidelines in Chapter 2; remember that availability does not guarantee acquisition.


  • The Ghosthunter has fewer of the special abilities normally associated with paladins:
    • He can't restore hit points by laying on hands.
    • He can't learn or cast priest spells.
    • He can't cure diseases in others.

    Notable Ghosthunters


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