
No matter the mission, a Guerrilla will execute it with utmost perfection. Sometimes known as commandos, these warriors are marked by their determination and adaptability. Whether harsh terrain, vicious monsters, enemy soldiers, or powerful spellcasters, nothing short of death will cause the willpower of a Guerrilla warrior to waver in the pursuit of their goals.  

Adaptable Warrior

3rd-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

You can adjust your skills to meet any challenge. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be during a short or long rest, you can practice new techniques and forms to replace one Martial Exploit you know with another Martial Exploit of your choice, for which you meet its prerequisites.

Guerrilla Exploits

3rd-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level, or by using your Adaptable Exploits feature.
Fighter LevelExploit
3rdmighty leap, savvy explorer
5thaggressive sprint, improvised skill
9thsurvey wilderness


3rd-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

You are an expert at overcoming natural obstacles. You gain proficiency in two of the skills below: Athletics, Perception, Stealth, or Survival. If you are already proficient in that skill, then whenever you make an ability check with that skill you gain a bonus to the roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.   When you reach 7th level, you can choose two more skills from the list above to gain these benefits.

By Land or Sea

7th-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

You have trained to find success in any environment, either it be land, sea, or sky. You gain the benefits listed below:
  • You gain a climbing speed and swimming speed equal to your base land speed.
  • When you fall, you can use your reaction to reduce any falling damage you would take by your Fighter level.
  • You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour underwater.
  • You ignore the effects of nonmagical difficult terrain.

Adaptable Fighting Style

10th-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

You can adapt your style of fighting to better counter your enemies. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be during a short or long rest, you can replace one Fighting Style you know with another Fighter Fighting Style of your choice.


15th-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

You are remarkably hardy, even compared to other fighters. When you use Second Wind you gain the following benefits:
  • You regain one of your expended Exploit Dice.
  • Your level of exhaustion, if any, is reduced by 1.
  • You gain a bonus to the next Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity ability check or saving throw you make within the next minute equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.

Legendary Guerrilla

18th-level Fighter (Guerrilla) Feature

There is nothing that can stand between you and your goals should you have time to prepare. When you roll initiative and are not surprised, you gain one of the following benefits:
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to your Fighter level.
  • You can immediately move up to your full walking speed without provoking attacks of opportunity.


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