Hound Master

Since the dawn of civilization, animals have worked alongside mortals. Most notable of the domesticated animals is the dog. The earliest hunters worked in tandem with these loyal beasts, sharing both food and fire. Some Fighters still take up this mantle, training Loyal Hounds to adventure by their side.  

Loyal Hound

3rd-level Fighter (Hound Master) Feature

When you adopt this Archetype, you complete the training of a Loyal Hound. Your Hound is friendly to you and your allies and obeys your commands. It uses the Loyal Hound stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) and Exploit save DC.   In combat, your Hound acts during your turn. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but it only takes the Dodge action unless you use a bonus action to command it to take an action from its stat block, or another action. Also, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks to order your Hound to make a Bite or Maul attack. If you are incapacitated, your Hound can act on its own and it will defend both you and itself to the best of its abilities.   If your Hound is reduced to 0 hit points, it makes death saving throws like a player character would. Should it die, your skills allow you to find a canine-like creature and train it as a Loyal Hound over the course of a long rest, at which point, that creature uses the Loyal Hound stat block.

Loyal Hound

Medium animal, lawful neutral
Armor Class: 13 + PB (natural armor)
Hit Points: 5 + five times your Fighter level
Speed: 40 ft , swim: 20 ft


14 +2


14 +2


15 +2


8 -1


14 +2


11 +0

Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Hit Dice. Your Hound has a total number of d8 Hit Dice equal to your fighter level. It also gains all the normal benefits of both short and long rests.   Loyal Companion. You add your PB to any ability check or saving throw that your Hound makes.   Keen Senses. Your Hound has advantage on any ability check that relies on its sense of hearing or smell.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 +PB to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 +2 +PB piercing damage. On hit, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become grappled by the Hound. The Hound can only grapple one creature or object at a time.   Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 +PB to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 +2 +PB slashing damage.

Hound Master Exploits

3rd-level Fighter (Hound Master) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Fighter LevelExploit
3rdcunning instinct, reposition
5thexposing strike, intimidating command
9thsurvey wilderness

Iron Jaws

7th-level Fighter (Hound Master) Feature

Your Loyal Hound is infused with a portion of your fighting spirit. The damage of your Hound's Bite and Maul attacks counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities to nonmagical attacks and damage.   In addition, any creature that is at least one size smaller than your Hound has disadvantage on its Strength saving throw to resist being grappled by your Hound's Bite attack.

Steadfast Companion

10th-level Fighter (Hound Master) Feature

You can face any foe so long as your Hound is by your side. Your Hound has advantage on any saving throw it is forced to make so long as it is within 30 feet and can see or hear you.   Also, whenever you use Second Wind, your Loyal Hound also regains hit points equal to 1d10 + your Fighter level so long as it is within 30 feet and can see or hear you.

Canine Fury

15th-level Fighter (Hound Master) Feature

Your commands inspire wild fury. When you use a bonus action to command your Hound to make an attack, it can make two Maul attacks, or one Maul and one Bite attack.

Hound of Legend

18th-level Fighter (Hound Master) Feature

Thanks to your training, your Hound has come to rival the great beasts of legend. When you use Action Surge, your Hound also gains one extra action on that turn.   Moreover, your Loyal Hound's Strength and Dexterity scores each become 18, thereby increasing the bonus to hit and damage of both its Bite and Maul attacks by +2 each.
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