
Class GroupPriest
Ability RequirementConstitution 14, Wisdom 14
Prime RequisiteWisdom, Constitution
Races AllowedKuneiri Human
Alignments AllowedAny Evil
Weapons AllowedAll bludgeoning weapons, whips, and a ceramonial dagger with poison grooves and a symbol of Amunta engraved or otherwise worked into the handle
Armor AllowedAny
Major SpheresAstral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning
Minor SpheresAll, Charm, Protection
Magic ItemsSame as clerics
Required ProfsNone
Bonus ProfsHerbalism, Ceremonial Dagger

Malady Features

    • Maladies gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws vs. poison.
    • Maladies are immune to nonmagical diseases and receive Constitution ability checks against acquiring magical diseases. These checks are made at a +4 bonus. When the chance of acquiring a magical disease is expressed as a percentage, that chance is halved (rounded down) for maladies.
    • Maladies gain a normal saving throw against potions that would not normally allow a saving throw.
    • Maladies gain a +4 bonus to herbalism proficiency checks when brewing poisons.
    • At 3rd level, maladies can identify pure poisons by smell.
    • At 5th level, maladies can identify poisons in drinks by taking a tiny sip. This sip has no effect on them.
    • At 7th level, maladies may identify poisons in food by taking a tiny bite. Again, this bite is too small to affect the malady.
    • At 7th level, maladies are able to use a poison touch (as the 2nd-level divine spell) or spread contagion (as the 4th-level arcane spell) once per day by touch.
    • At 10th level, maladies can cast cause disease (as the reverse form of the 3rd-level divine spell cure disease) once per day by touch. THe debilitating form of this disease is called the green rot and is typified by a luinous, greenish decay on exposed skin. The fatal form of this disease is the scaly death, in which the bones weaken and the flesh peels back until the major systems of the body fail.
    • At 13th level, maladies can exhale a cloud of pestilence (as the 4th-level divine spell), or a stinking cloud (as the 2nd-level arcane spell) once per day.
  • If a malady has a Charisma of 12 or greatery, other Amunites will insist on the use of so many tattoos or so much self-mutilation as to lower tha Charisma to less than 12 when the maladi is initiated into the faith at 3rd-level. This may not be voluntary on the malady's part, so good-looking maladies have been warned. Individuals with Charisma scores of 3 or 4 who undergo the initiation cermony at 3rd level find their personal Charisma raised by the ceremony due to the respect for their survival endangered in those viewing their scars, and their Charisma is raised to 5.

Amunite Spells

2nd Level

Poison Touch (Transmutation, Necromancy)

V, S
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
One creature
Saving Throw:
This spell creates a flickering brown radiance around the caster's band or another chosen limb. Within 5 rounds of casting poison touch, the priest must touch a chosen victim, or the magic fades and is wasted. A successful attack roll is required to touch a victim. If such a touch is made to any part of the victim (armor or clothing may be touched, as bare flesh contact is not required), the brown light flashes once and is gone, and the victim must in like a saving throw vs. spell.
  If the saving throw succeeds, the victim takes 1 point of damage and the corrosive magic eats a hole in any armor or garment worn and causes a disfiguring eruption of the skin beneath the touched area into raw welts, and then the spell ends. This wound inflicts a temporary loss of 2 points of Charisma upon the victim, but the wound vanishes and the ability score points are regained through normal healing rest or the use of curative magic (such as Cure Light Wounds).
  If the saving throw fails, the victim suffers 6 points of damage and is slowed (as the spell) instantly until the end of the following round. On this second round, the victim must make another saving throw. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 1 point of damage, is corroded as discussed above, and the spell ends. If this second saving throw fails, the victim suffers 3d6 points of additional damage and must make a Constitution ability check and a Strength ability check. If both succeed, the spell ends without further effect. If one fails, the victim falls unconscious and takes an additional 1d8 points of damage but can be roused on the following round or later if still alive. If both checks fail, the victim takes an additional 1d10 points of damage, falls into a coma instantly, and cannot be roused by any known means for 1d12+2 rounds.
  Once a poison touch is delivered, the casting is free to take any other desired actions.

4th Level

Cloud of Pestilence (Transmutation, Evocation)

10 yards/level
V, S
4 rounds
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
40-foor-wide, 20-foot-high, 20-foot-deep cloud (shape can be altered by narrow confines)
Saving Throw:
This spell creates a billowing cloud of yellowish-green vapors that resembles the effect of a wizar's cloudkill spell—but unlike the vapor cloud generated by that spell, a cloud of pestilence cannot be moved by any known means (though dispel magic still causes it to fade into nothingness it sits motionless until the spell expires. The caster is unaffected by his or her own cloud of pestilence, as is any creature wearing or bearing a consecrated holy symbol of Amunta. All other creatures caught in or entering the acrd, foul-smelling vapor cloud must make a saving throw vs. spell.
  During the first round of exposure to the vapors (or during the initial eposure in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), those who succeed at the saving throw are unaffected. Those who fail the saving throw take 1d4 points of damage and begin coughing violently. Spellcasting, normal speech, and tasks requiring Dexterity, such as opening locks, writing, and the like, are now impossible.
  On the second round of exposure (or second exposure in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), another saving throw must be made. If it is successful, the victim continues to cough and suffers an additional 1d4 points of damage. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the vapors inflict 3d4 points of damage, and the victim is slowed (as the spell), the victim continues to cough, and the victim's vision becomes blurred, resulting in a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, difficulty in telling friend from foe when two are near each other, and an increased possibility of tripping, bumping into things or people, and like effects.
  On the third round of exposure (or third exposure to the same cloud of pestilence in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), another saving throw must be rolled. If successful, the victim takes 1d4 more points of damage and the coughing continues. If the victim fails the saving throw, he or she sinks into unconsciousness and takes 4d6 points of additional damage.
  On the fourth round (or fourth exposure to the same cloud of pestilence), another saving throw must be rolled. If the victim succeeds at the saving throw, the vapors inflict 1d4 points of additional damage and the victim is caught in a coughing fit until the spell expires. If the victim fails the saving throw, the vapors inflict 4d6 points of additional damage, the victim continues coughing and is slowed for 1d4+1 rounds after the cloud dissipates, and the victim contracts a lung disease that reduces his or her movement rate by 1, makes facial muscles twitch and tremble from time to time, and steals 1 hit point from the victim every 2 days. This hit point loss cannot be cured until the disease is cured and continues at the rate of 1 hit point every 2 days until death occurs or the disease is banished. The disease, known as Amunta's Grimace from the facial twitch it causes, it curable by magic and by the proper use of some herbal medicines, but not through simple rest.

Touch of the Amunite (Transmutation, Evocation)

V, S
1 turn
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Touched beings
Saving Throw:
This spell creates a flickering brown radiance around the caster's hand or another chosen limb that lasts for 1 turn. While this radiance glows, the priest can attempt to touch and affect as many victims as he or she has normal attacks within that period of time. All creatures the priest manages to touch during that time become the victims of touch of the Amunite save for those beings the caster wills, during contact, the magic not to harm. A successful attack roll is required to touch a victim. If such a touch is made to any part of the victim (armor or clothing may be touched, as bare flesh contact is not required), the brown light flashes, and the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell.
  If the saving throw succeeds, the victim takes 1 point of damage; the corrosive magic eats a hole in any armor or garment worn and causes a disfiguring eruptiong of the skin beneath the touched area into raw welts; and the spell's effects end for that victim. This wound inflicts a temporary loss of 2 points of Charisma upon the victim, but the wound vanishes and the ability score points are regained through normal healing rest or the use of curative magic (such as a cure light wounds).
  If the saving throw fails, the victim suffers 6 points of damage and is slowed (as the spell) instantly until the end of the following round. On this second round, the victim must make another saving throw. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 1 point of damage, is corroded as discussed above, and the spell's effects end for that victim. If this second saving throw fails, the victim suffers 3d6 points of additional damage and must make a Constitution ability check and a Strength ability check. If both succeed, the spell's effects end for that victim. If both succeed, the spell's effects end for that victim. If one fails, the victim falls unconscious and takes an additional 1d8 points of damage but can be roused on the following round or later if still alive. If both checks fail, the victim takes an additional 1d10 points of damage, falls into a coma instantly, and cannot be roused by any known means for 1d12+2 rounds.
  Once the touch of the Amunite is cast, the casting priest is free to take any other desired actions, including touching other victims (within the spell duration), casting other spells, or attacking with a weapon. Note that the effects of touch of the Amunite cannot be transmitted through a weapon, but only through the hand of the casting priest.

5th Level

Amuna's Blessing (Abjuration, Necromancy)

V, S
1 turn/level
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
One being
Saving Throw:
Amuna's blessing must be delivered by flesh-to-flesh touch. This spell renders the touched spell recipient—who may be the caster—temporarily immune to all poisons (including blood poisoning, venoms, and poisonous gases) and diseases (includes cursed magical diseases such as lycanthropy and mummy rot). Amuna's blessing also prevents the onset or spread of parasitic infestations, gangrene, and existing diseases (such as leprosy and transformations due to plant symbiosis). It expels rot grubs from the body of the spell recipient without further harm to the spell recipient, and permanently kills musks, molds, spores, seeds, and mosses infesting or in contact with the body of the protected being.
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Specialty Priest (Amunta)


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