
Mithral, also spelled mithril, and known as truemetal among the elves, is a precious metal alloy produced from ore steeped in magic combined with a special bright blue sap from trees found atop the floating isles that hold the capitol of the elves.


Material Characteristics

Mithral ore appears as a silver-and-black mineral in its natural form, and becomes a shining silvery-blue color when it is forged.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Whenever arcane magic strikes an item forged from mithral the results are somewhat unpredictable. When arcane magic is used nearby to mithral, the color becomes far more blue.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Items cast from mithral weigh only half as much as similar items forged from steel. Since pieces of armor made from this valuable metal are very light, they allow the wearer to make better use of their natural agility and are less restrictive on spellcasting.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Mithral is particularly important the the elves, especially the high elves, being used to make both elven chain and elven plate mail.
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