Mystic Warrior

Where most Fighters look to increase their physical abilities, those known as Mystic Warriors work to unlock the psionic potential of their mind. Drawing upon wondrous inner power, these ascetic warriors can perform feats that would be impossible through strength alone. Where others strive for physical victory in battle, Mystics strive for spiritual enlightenment.

Psionic Manifesting

3rd-Level Fighter (Mystic Warrior) Feature

You have unlocked the true potential of your mind, and have learned to manifest psionic spells, much like a Psion does:

Manifestation Ability

Intelligence is your manifestation ability for your mystic warrior powers, letting the sheer might of your mind manipulate the world around you. You use Intelligence whenever a power refers to your manifestation ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a mystic warrior power you manifest and when making an attack roll with a mystic warrior power.
Power save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Power attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Manifestation Die

You have a manifestation die that you use when making manifestation tests. At 3rd level, your manifestation die is a d4. The die changes as you gain Fighter levels, as shown in the Manifestation Die column of the Mystic Warrior Psionics table.

Manifestation Score

Every power of 2nd order or higher has a manifestation score equal to its order. A power's manifestation score increases by 1 for every other power you are concentrating on when you manifest it. For example, if you attempt to manifest the 2nd-order again power while concentrating on appareition and caress of fire, the manifestation score of again is 4.

Manifestation Tests

Whenever you manifest a power of 2nd order or higher, you must make a manifestation test at the end of the power's manifestation time. To make a manifestation test, roll your manifestation die and note the result:
  • If the roll is higher than the power's manifestation score, you manifest the power.
  • If the roll is equal to the power's manifestation score, you manifest the power, then gain 1 strain.
  • If the roll is lower than the power's manifestation score, you manifest the power, then gain strain equal to the power's order.
If the amount of strain you gain from manifesting a power would cause you to exceed your strain maximum, you can choose to either manifest the power then immediately die; or to not manifest the power, gain no strain, and drop to 0 hit points.


Manifesting psionic powers can put stress on a manifester's body, mind, and soul. The strain mechanic represents this stress for your mystic warrior character.

Strain Maximum

At 3rd level, your strain maximum is 2. If your strain ever exceeds your strain maximum, you die. If you are returned to life after dying as a result of gaining strain, you return to life with strain equal to your strain maximum.   Your strain maximum increases as you gain Fighter levels, as shown in the Strain Maximum column of the Myster Warrior Manifesting table.

Gaining Strain

Strain can manifest in three different ways for a talent:
  • When you gain body strain, your physical prowess is depleted.
  • When you gain mind strain, your mental fortitude weakens.
  • When you gain soul strain, your connection to self and reality weakens.
Whenever you gain strain, you choose which type of strain it is and how much strain is applied as that type. For example, if you gain 3 strain while manifesting a 3rd-order power, you can choose to gain all 3 strain as body, mind, or soul strain; you can gain 2 strain in body and 1 in mind; you can gain 1 strain each in body, mind, and soul; and so forth.

Strain Effects

As you gain Strain, you gain detrimental strain effects. These effects are cumulative. For instance, if you have 3 body strain, you have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks and your speed is halved.
StrainBody Strain EffectsMind Strain EffectsSoul Strain Effects
1Disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checksCan't take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge actionsDisadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks
2No effectNo effectNo effect
3Speed halvedLose proficiency in all skillsDisadvantage on death saving throws
4No effectNo effectNo effect
5Disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws-5 penalty to ACDisadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws
6No effectNo effectNo effect
7Hit point maximum halvedLose proficiency in all saving throwsWhen a supernatural effect causes you to regain hit points, you regain only half the amount you normally would
8No effectNo effectNo effect
Optional Cosmetic Effects
Whenever you gain strain, you can also roll for or choose a cosmetic effect on the table below. These cosmetic effects don't impact game mechanics, but they can help you roleplay your character. You can easily create your own optional strain effects to be used in addition to or instead of the effects on the table.
1Your nose bleeds
2Your eyes become bloodshot
3Your breathing is labored
4You sweat profusely
5Your muscles ache
6You become unbearably hungry or thirsty
7You become more irritable
8Your have a persistent headache
Reducing Strain
When you finish a short rest, you can spend Hit Dice to remove strain instead of using them to regain hit points. For each Hit Die spent this way, you lose 1 strain from body, mind, or soul (your choice). When you finish a long rest, your strain is reduced to 0.

1st-Order Powers

At 3rd level, you know one 1st-order power. When you reach 10th level, you learn a second 1st-order power. Manifesting 1st-order powers doesn't require a manifestation test.

Powers Known

At 3rd level, you know two 2nd-order powers, which are the highest-order powers you can manifest. When you reach 15th level in this class, you can manifest 3rd-order powers.

Learning New Powers

At 3rd level, you can learn only 2nd-order powers, and can manifest 1st-order and 2nd-order powers. But as you increase in level, there is no limit to the number of powers of 2nd-order and 3rd-order that you can learn. Whenever you are able to manifest powers of a particular order, you can learn powers of that order.   Whenever you reach 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, or 20th level in this class, you learn one new power of any order between 2nd and the highest order of power you can manifest.

Learning from Others

Whenever another creature you can see within 30 feet of you manifests a psionic power of 2nd order or higher, and that power is one you can learn and don't already know, you can use a reaction to roll your manifestation die. If you roll higher than the power's baseline order (ignoring any order increase when the power is manifested), you begin to learn the power. If you roll lower than the power's baseline order, you fail to learn the power and can't attempt to do so again until you finish a long rest.   The Learning New Powers table shows how long it takes to learn a new power you have successfully observed. You must spend 1 hour doing nothing but practicing the power each day of the learning period, and you can't attempt to learn any other new powers during this time. This 1-hour period of practice can be undertaken as a short rest. If you fail to spend 1 hour each day of the learning period studying the power, or if you begin to learn a different power before the learning period is over, you must successfully observe the pwoer once more before trying to learn it this way again.
Learning New Powers
OrderLearning PeriodOrderLearning Period
2nd2 days3rd8 days
Mystic Warrior Manifesting
Fighter Level Strain Limit Maximum Power Order Manifestation Die
3rd 2 2nd d4
4th 2 2nd d4
5th 3 2nd d4
6th 3 2nd d4
7th 4 2nd d4
8th 4 2nd d4
9th 5 2nd d4
10th 5 2nd d4
11th 6 2nd d6
12th 6 2nd d6
13th 7 2nd d6
14th 7 2nd d6
15th 8 3rd d6
16th 8 3rd d6
17th 9 3rd d6
18th 9 3rd d6
19th 10 3rd d6
20th 10 3rd d6

Minor Telekinesis

3rd-level Fighter (Mystic) Feature

You can move objects with pure psionic power. You learn the mage hand spell, and when you manifest it you do not need to provide the verbal or the somatic components. Your mage hand is invisible, and it can lift a number of pounds equal to 10 times your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 10 pounds).  

Mystic Empowerment

3rd-level Fighter (Mystic) Feature

You enhance your techniques with psionic power. When an Exploit would use your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, you can choose to use your Intelligence instead.   Also, once per turn when you damage a creature with a Martial Exploit you know, you can choose for the Exploit to deal psychic damage in place of its normal damage type.  

Phase Step

7th-level Fighter (Mystic) Feature

When you use Second Wind, you also gain the benefits of the Dash action and partially discorporate. Until the end of your current turn, you can move through solid nonmagical objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain.   If you end your movement inside an object or creature, you are instantly shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, taking 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet you are forced to move.  

Inscrutable Mind

10th-level Fighter (Mystic) Feature

The vast power of your mind makes you difficult for others to dominate. You have advantage on saving throws to resist being charmed, frightened, or having your thoughts read.   Also, whenever you succeed on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can make a manifestation test with a manifestation score of 2 to force the attacker to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it takes psychic damage equal to your Fighter level.  

Psionic Ward

15th-level Fighter (Mystic) Feature

You can project psionic power to defend allied minds. As a bonus action, you can make a manifestation test with a manifestation score of 4 to project a Psionic Ward which emanates out from you in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. You, and creatures of your choice within range gain resistance to psychic damage and can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to any Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws that you are forced to make.  

Legendary Mystic

18th-level Fighter (Mystic) Feature

You have unlocked the full potential of your mind. You learn the telekinesis spell. You can cast this spell once.   Once you cast telekinesis in this way, you must finish a long rest before you can manifest it again. If you have no uses left, you can make a manifestation test with a manifestation score of 4 to cast this spell again.   Finally, when you use Phase Step, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed until the end of that turn.


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