
The Bards of the College of Naturalism, often referred to as Naturalists, possess a deep reverence for the natural world and a profound desire to unravel its secrets. They believe that the most authentic way to understand the past and its mysteries is to engage directly with the world itself. These bards are not content with merely reading about history in books or hearing tales from others; instead, they embark on an extraordinary journey to commune with the primal forces of nature.
  Naturalists are avid seekers of wisdom and knowledge, not from the pages of dusty tomes, but from the whispers of the wind, the rustle of leaves, and the murmurs of ancient trees. They forge bonds with druidic circles, finding kindred spirits among those who have devoted their lives to the preservation of nature's harmony. In ranger conclaves, Naturalists learn the art of tracking, survival, and navigating the untamed wilderness, honing their skills to move seamlessly through the natural world.
  These bards are known for their unique ability to blend druidic magic into their very essence. By doing so, they seek to bridge the gap between themselves and the natural world, embracing the primal forces that have shaped Elaris since time immemorial. This fusion of arcane arts and nature's mysteries grants Naturalists extraordinary abilities to commune with animals, interpret the language of plants, and even harness the elements themselves.
  The pursuit of a deeper connection with nature is at the core of the Naturalist's path. They strive to grow closer to the living, breathing world around them, recognizing that every leaf, stone, and creature holds a fragment of history and a piece of the grand tapestry of life. Naturalists become living conduits of nature's wisdom, their songs echoing with the secrets of the wild, and their words resonating with the ancient knowledge bestowed upon them by the world.
  These bards often embark on quests of discovery, seeking hidden groves, forgotten ruins, and ancient enclaves where the power of nature is most potent. They learn to read the signs in the natural world, from the migratory patterns of birds to the blooming of rare flowers, in search of clues to unlock the secrets of the past. By understanding the intricate web of life and the symbiotic relationships that govern it, Naturalists gain insights into the history, cultures, and civilizations that have thrived and perished in the embrace of nature.
  In the College of Naturalism, the concept of time is not measured in years, but in seasons, cycles, and the ebb and flow of life. Naturalists embody the spirit of Elaris itself, and as they wander the land, their every step becomes a dance with nature. They are the keepers of ancient tales whispered by the rivers, the interpreters of the runes etched by the winds, and the guardians of the evergreen wisdom that endures in the heart of the wild.

Natural Companion

3rd-Level Bard (Naturalist) Feature
Your harmony with nature allows you to quickly bond with animals and plants. You learn the find familiar spell, and can cast it at-will without material components with the following changes:
    • To cast this spell, you must touch a Small or smaller beast or plant with a CR of less than 1 for the duration. That creature becomes your familiar, rather than the spell summoning a spirit, and the creature retains its original creature type.
    • The spell's school changes to Enchantment.
  • You cannot dismiss your companion into a pocket dimension.

Secrets of the Wilderness

3rd-Level Bard (Naturalist) Feature
You add Druidic to your known languages and learn two cantrips of your choice from the Druid spell list. These are considered Bard spells for you, and become Arcane spells rather than Divine spells. These spells do not count against your number of Cantrips Known.

Wild Tongue

3rd-Level Bard (Naturalist) Feature
Your deep connection with nature allows you to communicate with all of it on a profound level. You can cast speak with animals and speak with plants, but only as rituals. When you cast these spells in this way, their duration is extended to 1 hour.

Naturalist Magic

6th-Level Bard (Naturalist) Feature
You learn two spells of your choice from the druid class. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip. The chosen spells count as bard spells for you and become Arcane spells rather than Divine spells, but don't count against the number of bard spells you know. You gain one additional spell in this way when you reach 8th, 11th, 14th, and 17th level. You gain one more at 20th level if you have the Focus of Unyielding Power from your Perfected Focus class feature.

Natural Soul

14th-Level Bard (Naturalist) Feature
You have achieved a profound bond with the natural world. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you can choose to change the damage type to one of the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. While you are in a natural environment, you deal an additional die of damage with any spell you cast.
  Additionally, whenever you finish a long rest, you gain resistance to one damage type of your choice from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. This resistance lasts until you finish your next long rest.
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