On Death's Door

When a PC drops to 0 hit points, they are considered to be On Death's Door.
  • PCs at Death's Door are unconscious.
  • Each round, such a PC has a 2-in-6 chance of dying.
  • Instantaneous healing of any amount will revive the PC to 1 hp, and they are no longer on Death's Door.
  • If a creature applies bandaging or some other form of suitable medical care for at least 1 turn, the wounded PC is no longer at Death's Door, but is still unconscious. Bandaging cannot be done during combat.
  • If a character is brought to 10 or less hit points below 0 in a single round (Not a single attack), the character dies outright.
  • A character brought back from this state loses one point in a random ability score (roll d6 down the line).
  • Retainers still die outright at 0 hit points.


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