Path of the Inferno

Across the lower planes, the eternal conflict between law and chaos rages. Devils against Demons, vying for control of the hells. Sometimes this conflict spills over into material plane and the corrupting influence of the Abyss infects the hearts of mortals. Sometimes cultists and worshipers of Archdemons seek the affliction of this overwhelming power.   No matter their origin, those who survive the corruption rise as soldiers of the Pit, and become Inferno Warriors.

Infernal Exploits

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Inferno) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Barbarian levels noted in the table below. These don't count against your number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian LevelExploit
3rdcommanding presence, trampling rush
5thbloodthirsty critical, menacing shout
9thprimal terror

Abyssal Hide

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Inferno) Feature

The corruption of the Pit overtakes you when you Rage, causing your physical features to become demonic. When you are Raging you gain the following benefits:
  • As a bonus action, you can move up to your full speed toward a hostile creature that you can see.
  • When a creature hits you with an opportunity attack you can reduce the damage by your Constitution modifier.

Hellish Presence

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Inferno) Feature

When you adopt this Primal Path you learn to speak, read, and write Abyssal, the demonic language of the Pit.   Moreover, whenever you use commanding presence, you can roll a d6 and use it instead of expending an Exploit Die.

Unbridled Fury

6th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Inferno) Feature

The chaos of the Pit enhances your Rage. The first time you make a Reckless attack on your turn while Raging, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. These temporary hit points vanish when your Rage ends.

Corrupt Resilience

10th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Infero) Feature

The sinister power of the Pit has increased your physical resilience. You gain resistance to both fire and poison damage.   Also, when you are forced to make a saving throw to resist either the charmed or frightened condition, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.

Chaos Overwhelming

14th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Inferno) Feature

You can draw out the full power of the Abyssal influence that fuels your Rage. When you Rage, you gain one of the abilities below for the duration of that Rage. As a bonus action while you are Raging, you can expend an Exploit Die to switch to your current feature to another feature.   Accursed Reach. Your limbs become unnaturally muscular and lengthen. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action, and the reach of your melee weapon attacks and grapples increases by 5 feet.   Defiled Hide. Your skin becomes blighted and covered in coarse hair, boils, or oily scales. You gain immunity to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-supernatural weapons. Any attacks made with silvered weapons ignores this special damage immunity.   Hulking Form. Your body bulges and grows in unnatural ways. You grow by one size category as if you had been the target of an enlarge/reduce spell. While enlarged in this way, you can add your Consitution modifier to Strength checks.   Vile Flight. You sprout leathery demonic wings from your back which burst through any clothing you are wearing. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.


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