Path of the Reaver

While most Barbarians focus on overcoming their foes with raw power and brute force, those known as Reavers augment their impressive strength with martial technique and tactical maneuvers. These fearless warriors are often employed as advance forces, and their combat skill and resilience strikes fear into the heart of any who stand against them in battle.

Reaver Exploits

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Reaver) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Barbarian levels noted in the table below. These don't count against your number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian LevelExploit
3rdlightstep, savage rebuke
5thaggressive sprint, glancing blow
9thadrenaline rush

Reaver Superiority

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Reaver) Feature

You have studied martial techniques to enhance your skill in battle. Your total number of Exploit Dice increases by 1, and you learn one additional Exploit of your choice which doesn't count against your total number of Exploits Known.   Moreover, when you learn a new Exploit, you can choose to learn a Savage Exploit from those available to this class, or a Martial Exploit from those available to the Fighter.   If you choose to learn a Martial Exploit that has a certain Fighter level prerequisite, you can learn that Exploit if your Barbarian level meets the prerequisite level.

Swift Strides

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Reaver) Feature

Rather than become blinded by Rage, you enter a heightened state of focus and move with purpose. When you are Raging, opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage.

Restorative Rage

6th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Reaver) Feature

Your combat skills rivals heroes of renown. When you Rage, you gain one of the following benefits:  
  • You regain one of your expended Exploit Dice.
  • You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
  • Your walking speed is doubled for your current turn.

Unstoppable Warrior

10th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Reaver) Feature

The chaos and danger of battle fuels your abilities. While Raging, you are under the effects of freedom of movement.   You also learn one additional Exploit of your choice which doesn't count against your total number of Exploits Known.

Storm of Flesh and Steel

14th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Reaver) Feature

You have reached the pinnacle of your training, and woe to those who stand against you. Once per turn when you use an Exploit while you are Raging, you can roll a d4 in place of expending one of your Exploit Dice.


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