Path of the Totem Warrior

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Totem warrior learn to bind themselves to primal bestial spirits of the natural world. Drawing upon this animalistic power, these warriors are able to take on the spiritual and physical abilities of these bestial spirits. Totem Warriors often serve as protectors of the wilds and have a special dedication to the beasts of the wilderness.

Totemic Exploits

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Barbarian levels noted in the table below. These don't count against your number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian LevelExploit
3rdmighty leap, rustic intuition
5tharresting critical, greater hurl
9thsavage defiance

Spirit Guide

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Feature

Your connection to the primal spirits of nature allows you to communicate with wild beasts. You learn the beast sense and speak with animals spells, but can only cast them as rituals.

Totemic Spirit

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Feature

Choose one of the animal spirits from the list below to gain its benefits. Once selected, this choice cannot be changed.   Bear. The resilient spirit of the Bear increases your ability to take physical hits. While Raging, you gain resistance to all types of damage except force, psychic, and spirit damage.   Eagle. The fierce spirit of the Eagle grants you the ability to move fast as the wind. While Raging, you can use a bonus action to gain the benefits of the Dash and Disengage action, including the bonus action that you use to enter a Rage.   Elk. The noble spirit of the Elk makes you extraordinarily swift. While Raging, your walking speed increases by 15 feet.   Tiger. The ruthless spirit of the Tiger empowers your leaps in battle. Once per turn while Raging, you can use mighty leap at its lowest level without expending an Exploit Die.   Wolf. The cunning spirit of the Wolf enhances your ability to fight alongside your pack. While Raging, allied creatures of your choice have advantage on any melee attack roll they make against hostile creatures within 10 feet of you.

Totemic Aspect

6th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Feature

You gain the benefits of a second animal spirit, choosing from the list below. Once selected, this choice cannot be changed:   Elephant. The spirit of the Elephant lends you its power. When you make a Strength (Athletics) or a Wisdom (Insight) check you can add your Constitution modifier to your roll.   Owl. The spirit of the Owl grants you its sight. When you make an Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check you can add your Constitution modifier to your roll.   Panther. The spirit of the Panther increases your cunning. When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) or Wisdom (Survival) check you can add your Constitution modifier to your roll.

Spirit Walker

10th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Feature

You can turn to your Totem Spirits for spiritual guidance. You learn the commune with nature spell, but you can only cast it as a ritual, beseeching your Totem Spirits for information.   Moreover, once per long rest, you can cast commune with nature and replace one of your animal Totem Spirits with another animal Totem Spirit available at the same level.

Totemic Attunement

14th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Feature

You gain the benefits of a final animal spirit, completing your training as a Totem Warrior. Choose from the list below:   Lion. The spirit of the Lion imbues you with regal power. While Raging, any hostile creatures within 5 feet of you have disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you.   Falcon. The spirit of the Falcon grants you its wings. While Raging, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.   Rhino. The spirit of the Rhino lends you its power. While Raging, if you hit a creature that is one size larger than you or smaller with a Strength-based melee weapon attack, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


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