Path of the Zealot

Your Rage has been implanted in you by the divine powers of the heavens. Whether you are the descendant of a powerful celestial, or the chosen champion of a deity, you now carry in you a spark of divine wrath. Those who walk the Path of the Zealot stand as champions of the gods and divine causes.

Zealous Exploits

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Zealot) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Barbarian levels noted in the table below. These don't count against your number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian LevelExploit
3rdfeat of strength, savage rebuke
5thhonor duel, menacing shout
9thmythic resilience

Champion of the Gods

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Zealot) Feature

You have been chosen for a divine purpose. Spellcasters can cast spells that restore you to life (not undeath) such as raise dead, without needing the normal material components.

Divine Fury

3rd-Level Barbarian (Path of the Zealot) Feature

Your weapon strikes are imbued with the celestial power of the god you serve. While you are Raging, the first creature you hit with a weapon attack on each of your turns takes bonus damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).   The type of this bonus damage changes depending on your alignment: Good (radiant), Neutral (thunder), Evil (necrotic).

Fanatical Focus

6th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Zealot) Feature

Your divine cause propels you to find success when others would fail. When you fail a saving throw while Raging, you can expend an Exploit Die, roll it, and add the result to your saving throw, possibly turning a failure into a success.

Divine Mandate

10th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Zealot) Feature

As a bonus action on your turn, you can issue a divine battle cry to your allies. Up to 10 creatures that can hear you within 60 feet have advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws until the beginning of your next turn.   Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Rage Beyond Death

14th-Level Barbarian (Path of the Zealot) Feature

The gods will not allow you to die while you still serve them. Being reduced to 0 hit points while Raging doesn’t knock you unconscious. While in this state, you still make death saving throws as normal, and you suffer the normal effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points. If you start your turn with three failed death saving throws you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to maintain your Rage.   If your Rage ends and you still have 0 hit points, you fall unconscious. If you have three failed death saves, you die.


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